Thirteen Orphans is looking for dps to join us as we prepare for 9.2!
----Raid Times----
Mythic Raid Times: Tuesday-Wednesday 7pm-10pm PT (9pm-Midnight Server Time)
Roles Needed: We’re currently looking for exceptional ranged dps
----Base Raid Requirements----
One +15 Key completed per week
Making an effort to improve outside of raid times (not just raid logging)
90% attendance rate, with enough time given of any absences (Ideally at least 48 hours prior to raid)
Deep understanding of your class, and keeping up to date with your class meta
Studying raid encounters
Simming your character for optimal performance regularly
Being prepared for raid with food/flasks/pots/gems/enchants
Strive to always improve your own gameplay
Good attitude!!
Discord (at least to listen)
Use of the following addons:
- Method Raid Tools (MRT)
- Big Wigs (DBM is fine)
- WeakAuras2
- RC Loot council (only used for rolling off gear people don’t need)
----Casual Players----
Casual players who are looking for a home are always welcome! We want to create an active community for people to find groups for M+, PvP, Achievement runs and more! If you’re interested in joining our Discord, send me a DM!
If you’re interested in joining feel free to contact me at
(bnet) Gokiburi#11202
(Discord) Gokiburi#2605