Posting as my main.
Looking for a group of peeps that raid at least heroic later at night. (10pm est or later)
I’d like to do mythic but I don’t commit to the game as heavily as I once did, so I’m a bit behind on azerite level and gear, I am also monetarily strapped and cannot afford transfers of any kind. :\ (I am currently on Sargeras (US) as alliance.
I will also be playing less with the release of classic WoW, so I won’t be able to minmax for you, lol.
In the beginning of the xpac I was in a guild raiding uldir, killed mythic ghuun once about a month after release, and then quit the game until about 3 weeks ago, lol.
My raiding history:
AoTC Azshara (i literally just did heroic this week, finally got the gear to do it.)
Cutting edge ghuun
Cutting edge argus
Cutting edge xavius
Cutting edge archimonde
I have periods where my guilds died or I was casual for a bit/couldnt commit so I dont have E V E R Y mythic kill from past expansions/raids
here are my current logs you can go thru them as you wish
https: //www. warcraftlogs. com/character/us/sargeras/waffles
(by ilvl, cause im kinda behind)
https: //www. warcraftlogs. com/character/us/sargeras/waffles#bybracket=1
I am also just as geared in prot, I actually hate ret right now so I can’t promise a dps offspec…
I am also a very flexible healer I am capable of healing on any healer class, however my paladin has been my baby since vanilla.
In WoD I mained my druid and in Legion I mained a priest.
discord is msmisery#0001
btag is msmisery#1675
if u have any questions or my complicated self fits your bill hmu