[A] 372 Priest Looking for Mythic Raid


I can either play shadow or take on a healing role. Looking to join a guild that is 3/8M or better. Thank you.
Hey dude i hate the cookie cutter copy/paste spam but i think it captures what information that would be relevant to you. o_o

<A>Deathnote 3/8M|Sun-Mon 8:30-11:30|Kel'Thuzad

Raid Times
Sunday 8:30pm - 11:30pm MDT (Kel'Thuzad server)
Monday 8:30pm - 11:30pm MDT (Kel'Thuzad server)

Tuesday (Optional) 8:30pm - 11:30pm MDT (Kel'Thuzad server)
>Full H Uldir Clear for Alts/Mains and/or Gold Carries
>If we have gold carries, you keep PL/BoE gear and get 50% of total carry gold amount depending on if you run with your main.

Immediate Openings (Cutting Edge for Any Legacy Raid is a huge plus)
High Parsing R SHAM & H Priest

General Opening
We are open to people that like to be around for mythic plus or casually like to raid herioc, participate in pvp events, or have a good community of people to be around.
WW, MW, BM Monk
Balance Druid
Havoc DH
RDPS *gen
Pivot Tanks
or Anyone that would like to be in an active guild

Semi-casual guild on a lite 2 night (progression) schedule. Formed early legion and progressed through Mythic and got CE.
Guild full of mid to late twenties early thirties players, college students & parents.
Our guild is active in discord, friendly and welcoming, and helpful when it comes any questions people may have(class/spec/fight/boss mechanics)
We will attempt to get CE on each tier as we did in Legion.
Looking for quality players that know their class, are situationally aware, and can keep up with numbers as we perfect our group comp. per fight on our mythic roster.

Goals and Ambitions
-Bottom Line: Kill Bosses, get loot, and have fun.
-Attitude>Mechanics>=DPS/HPS (essentially dont be a d!ck). Our team and GL are very calm and collective and bad additudes/raging are not welcomed.

Our guild is currently ranked 26th on server with room to move up as soon as we get vectis down (getting close with our best attempts)
While not every person in our guild will be the first to get CE, we will make sure all raiders get CE before 8.1
As a guild with an older player base, real life situations arise (members having children, life emergencies, etc.) and we are very understanding of this.
In light of that, we would like to have a full roster of people that can pivot nights in raid if needed or if the fight requires a particular comp.

For most boss attempts we view live logs to see where people can improve and provide suggestions in a non-hostile manner. (Usually a PM)
>If wiping is a group issue, our GL (with the voice of a baby angel) will say what we need to do collectively in order to overcome the issue/s at hand.

Activities Ooooo
Gold Gambling (We sort of have a problem)
PVP/RBGS Nights (Fridays)
Gold Carries (Tuesday's Usually)
Key Pushing for Gear (Raiders get atleast 1 10+ key for loot chest)

See immediate needs above, other classes welcome to apply as Trial, add Shramwow#1847 in game or post in recruitment channel on discord and I will get back to you:

Guild Logs

Hi there!

I’ve added you as a friend on Bnet, hoping to get a hold of you that way as I know this isn’t a daily check for most people. My gamer tag is: Lianybean#1943

Just reaching out because currently my guild is looking for a priest. We are an 8/8H and 3/8M guild. You can read about us here: [A] <Shiden> 8/8H 3/8M recruiting for Mythic, but I think the best way to get to know us is by hopping in our discord and chatting.

You can also add me on discord: Lianybean#1579

Looking forward to chatting with you!