[A] 365~ tri-spec Warrior main LF raiding guild

Coming back to the game. Preferably looking for eventual Mythic progression.

Haven’t raided in a guild since maybe Wrath. Since then, I casually get AOTC at the start of tiers while PVPing on this and alt accounts. Multi-glad arena XP pre-BFA title changes. Early and top gold CM times in MOP / WOD. Fairly experienced and researched player.

Flexible schedule. I play all three specs equally, no issues with tanking (used to MT and RL weekly Heroic pugs in Cataclysm). I intend to level alts as well.

Post b-tag or Discord here, thanks.

Animosity does heroic raiding. We are currently scheduling our guild raids for Wednesday/Thursday from 8:30pm to midnight server time (CST). We typically run Mythic+ any night that we aren’t doing a guild raid

I’ll add you on Bnet, or you can reach out to me on Battle.net if you would like to chat about potentially joining us.

add me: