Good evening,
I rerolled to shaman from fury warrior. I’m looking for a raiding guild with raid times ending around 11 pm EST. I do have a hunter friend who is looking for a guild as well. Please let me know if you are interested in us. We have done normal to mythic raid encounters in each tier up to SoD.
Shaman: TØrden
Warrior: Sünzi
Thanks again!
currently progressing though heroic, and are recruiting for dps, we are 7/11H currently and our raid times are 7-10 server or 8-11Est on Tuesday and Thursday.
if your interested feel free to add me on battle tag elixervitae#1387 or whisper me in game elfbourne-sargeras
Add my battletag BJensen28#1130 would love to chat with you about us
We’re an AOTC focused, just reformed alliance guild with a lot of us 7+/11 H with the guild currently at 6/11H. Our times are just a little later than what you’re looking for though, 11 CST.
add me on discord if you’re still interested: fiikfiic#1242