Hey all,
I’m currently a homeless 221 fire mage that needs shelter. My main focus is Mythic and Mythic + with some PvP sprinkled in.
Raid availability is mainly Tue/Wed/Thur 6pm server-midnight. I also am active on off days as well for keys/pvp/shenanigans.
I’m currently 10/10 AOTC but I’m no stranger to mythic raiding and learn very fast. My old guild of 12 yrs fell apart and the last 3 guilds I’ve been in as well since December. The struggle is very real (mostly pugged stuff, PAINFULLY). Help save a fire mage!
We’re looking for exceptional players to fill some gaps, give me a shout!
Renewal (5/10M) is recruiting RANGED DPS for our Mythic team! Considering all exceptional raiders. Raid times are T/W/Th 8:30PM - 11:30PM CST. PST for info! Casuals welcome!
Contact Göttlichkeit - Jäger#11356 (B-tag) Auliser - XeLeMeNTaLX#1312 (B-tag) Mcshám - MaTT#19564 (B-tag) Euphorians - RickTheBeast#11818 (B-tag) Hazmodren - Alvanator#1637 (B-tag)
Hey Sapphire,
We are 7/10 and are looking for another fire mage. If interested you can apply here: https://discord.gg/QYqTRX8g
Our raid nights are WED/THU 8:30PM-11:30PM EST.
Sanctimonious of Sargeras server is accepting 1 melee and 1 ranged player for trial! We are currently starting our progression on mythic sludgefist and are looking for a ranged class to add to our roster. We are a semi-hardcore guild that raids two days a week. We are currently using loot council paired with the RCLootCouncil addon. Qualities that we look for in raiders include being committed, non toxic, and mature.
Class we are looking for:
- Balance Druid, Mage, Shadow Priest, Death Knight
Raid Times:
- Tues-Thurs Mythic 7:45pm-11:30pm EASTERN TIME.
- Monday Alt raid (Optional) 7:45pm-11:30pm EASTERN TIME
Our Current Progression in Heroic Castle Nathria:
- 7/10 Mythic Castle Nathria
Our raid progression in BFA was listed as follows:
- Ny’alotha - 12/12 Mythic
- Eternal Palace - 7/8 Mythic
- Dazar’alor - 9/9 Mythic
- Uldir - 7/8 Mythic
If you are interested, please go to our website and fill out our application here! Logs are required in order for your application to be considered.
Website → Guildsofwow .com /sanctimonious
This is my Discord for Direct contact: Sophieann#2492
Reddit raids Tues and Thurs nights from 9pm –midnight central/ sever time.
Currently 10/10H and 2/10M. Mostly just aim for AOTC then hit a few mythic bosses to pass the time between raid tiers.
Most of us are in our 30s. My Battletag is JRoc#1966 and Discord is JRoc#5400. Hit me up and lets chat!
Hey Sapphire! I hope you’re well!
I’m the AGM of Altum Somnum. We’re a casual guild that is currently 2/10M and we’re searching for more dedicated players like yourself!
We are a tight-knit community that raids Tu/Thu 7:30-10:30 PM server along with community events on the weekends!
I’d LOVE to talk more about recruitment with you. Please feel free to hit me up:
Discord: NotVivi_Eric#0351
RealID: ViviEric#1334