[A] 215 Fire Mage, 1265 io, 7/10 H, LF H Raids and M+

Hey, I am looking to transfer to a more populated realm.

Raid wants: Looking for 2-3 weeknights a week with a raid start around 11 pm EST / 8 pm PST. I always come prepared with fight knowledge, flask, feast, and occasional cauldrons if needed.

M+ wants: This is my main focus. Looking for some folks to time a bunch of 15+ and farm when Valor comes.

Blizz: Falkz#1490
Disc: Falks#8274

Would you be able to make 9CST?


I am sorry, 9 CST is a little too early for me.

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Hey Fawlks, is looking to expand it’s small raiding roster into a much larger team. We raid 8-11 PM PST on Tue/Fri. You can read more about us here: