[A] 214 Warrior LF Raiding Guild


I am an experienced Mythic Raider looking for a guild looking for a warrior with east coast friendly raiding times. Please let me know in the posts below about your opportunity and what you are looking for.

9/10 H and 2/10 M


Prideful - Mal’Ganis 2/10M 10/10H

We raid Tue / Thur 7-10CST. Looking for a few more strong DPS for mythic progression.

Hey Agitator,

Eternal Order is a Alliance CE guild on Sargeras. The core team consist of former top 100 players We are recruiting for our mythic team as we currently are 9/10H. We raid T/W/Thurs from 9-12EST. We just moved to 3x a week in order to push for AOTC and to get into mythic.

Let me know if you are interested.

Bnet - Cabose#1677
Discord - Cabosetv#0275

<< Demise >> US - Sargeras

Tuesday and Thursday

Demise is currently recruiting for Shadowlands! We are a top tier mythic guild on Sargeras that has been raiding together for several expansions now. Our core group of veteran players have Cutting Edge experience in previous tiers.

Our core raiders are expected to always be prepared:

  1. Have knowledge of boss encounters heading into first week’s pulls, etc.
  2. Be prepared with flasks, pots, and feasts at all times. (We often provide them anyways but good habit to have)
  3. Show up several minutes early to raid nights and be prepared to clear trash and start right on the dot.
  4. Be open to feedback and improving your performance when necessary (bad nights happen, we understand!)

We just want to give a very clear expectation of what we expect from our team and our wow friends in the guild. We’re raiders with a common goal. Kill bosses and have fun doing it :slight_smile:

Our current needs are:

Meele dps - Any spec for the right player!!

Ranged dps - Any spec for the right player!!

Healer - Disc Priest & Holy Pally!!

Open to skilled players on ALL other classes/specs.

Spots will be competitive and everyone has a fair chance to earn their raid spot.

If you are interested in our guild and would like more information or to join then contact us (info listed below).

I am always around and willing to talk and answer any and all questions.

Discord: blitz steve#3655
Bnet- Blitzsteve#1703
IGN- Galiyon

Hey Agitator,

If you are looking to go into Shadowlands and slam some bosses to the ground, come talk to us in Fragment! Our current progression sits at 10/10H and 2/10M.

Our leadership are a collection of ppl who have been raiding in the top 20-100US for multiple tiers with all of the players coming from different spots (Pie Chart, Did it for Whitney, Prometheon), We have known each other for years and finally decided to finally form a guild in the last couple weeks before Shadowlands going 5/12M on alts.

All raid spots are competitive and we are always recruiting players with the right skill sets & headspace.

Current recruitment needs:
Hunter: Medium
Mage: Medium
Paladin: Ret: Low, Tank:Low, Holy: Medium
Warlock: Medium
Priest: Disc: Medium, Holy: Low, Shadow: Medium
Druid: Tank: Medium, Boomkin: High, Resto: Low, Feral: Low
DH: Tank: Low, Dps: High
DK: Tank: Low, Dps: Medium
Shaman: Resto: Low, Ele: Medium, Enhance: Medium
Monk: Tank: Low, Dps: Low, MW: Low
Rogue: Low
Warrior: Tank: High, Dps: High

Progression Raiding Schedule 8:00-12:00 EST (Inv starting at 7:30)
Monday(If needed) - Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday

Farm Raiding Schedule 8:00 - 11:00 EST
Tuesday - Wednesday

We take a few days off after Progression.
Decisions in this guild are always made with the goal of achieving the highest possible rank in mind. We are currently planning to push hard in Shadowlands

-Raiding regarding the first mythic day will start early. It might extend late into the evening.
-We will require logs to be provided.
-If this sounds appealing to you please feel free to contact us.

Discord: Demonslayerl#4843, Tracy#7543, Zephyr#0177, Hawk#2449
Bnet: Tommy#1664, Tray#1125, Zephyr#11394, Thechosen#1850

About Us. :slight_smile:
This guild came to fruition after a couple of friends wanted a fun raiding experience while also being competitive. We are currently building a mythic roster for CN with just a few spots left. We are located on Bleeding Hollow /horde

Raid Times
Wednesday & Thursday
10:00pm - 2:00am EST

10/10 Normal
10/10 Heroic
2/10 M

What We Want From Our Raiders
-Great Attendance
-Friendly Attitude
-Knowledge of Encounters
-Raid Awareness

Trial period lasts 4-6 raid nights. Afterwards, Officers will assess overall performance. Trial periods may be extended in certain cases.

We are currently in need of :
Tank: Prot Pally
Healers: Holy Pally
Ranged and Melee: Open to outstanding applicants.

We are currently looking for members to perfect our mythic roster.

Required Add-ons:
DBM or BigWigs

If interested message Asuna#9953 On discord

We might be interested! 3/10M, raid times are Tue/Thur from 8 - 11 EST. If interested, feel free to give me a btag add -

Corrosive [H] is a newly formed 10/10H guild of friends from over the years looking for players to round out our Mythic roster as we move to seriously progress to Cutting Edge for Castle Nathria.

On average, our players are a minimum 800 io and running keystones most every day, several of our players are high arena rating on one or more characters, and most of us hold previous Cutting Edge achievements, or all-but-one mythic progression.

We raid on Tues/Wed from 8:00PM-11:00PM EST (server time), with potential for an hour extension, or an extra raid night if a boss is close to dying. To be decided.

Recruitment Priority

Tanks (Some classes are higher priority, but all players will be considered)
High priority Monk or DH

Healers (Some classes are higher priority, but all players will be considered)
High Priority Resto Shaman
High Priority Discipline Priest
Healer who is willing to off-spec DPS

DPS (Some classes are higher priority, but all players will be considered)
High Priority Unholy DK (1-2)
High Priority Melee Generally

For more specific information, any questions, or prospectively joining the guild, please reach out to us on Discord!

Umphriez (GM) - Ump#2515
Morcade (Officer) - Morcade#1811
Squid (Officer) - Squid#6203

Hey Agitator,

Team RP is looking for a few more dps. They raid Tuesday and Thursdays from 7:00 - 10:00pm CST.

A tiny bit of background: discord community of 400+ focused on WoW with one guild on Horde-Illidan and one guild on Alliance-Sargeras. We like to welcome people that need a drama free home, mythic plus group, and/or a raid team! I’ll drop some links below so you can get to know us better behind the scenes without any pressure.

Website: Envelop.gg
Bnet Post: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/haillidansargeras-envelop-multiple-teams-pve-community/605256
Discord: https://discord.gg/Envelop

You are more than welcome to stay in our discord and chat with us without joining the guild. If you have any questions, please message me on discord. Saph#7860

Thank you and good luck my friend!

Hey Agitator!

Corrosive [H] is a newly formed 10/10H guild of friends from over the years looking for players to round out our Mythic roster as we move to seriously progress to Cutting Edge for Castle Nathria.

On average, our players are a minimum 800 io and running keystones most every day, several of our players are high arena rating on one or more characters, and most of us hold previous Cutting Edge achievements, or all-but-one mythic progression.

We raid on Tues/Wed from 8:00PM-11:00PM EST (server time), with potential for an hour extension, or an extra raid night if a boss is close to dying. To be decided.

Recruitment Priority

Tanks (Some classes are higher priority, but all players will be considered)
High priority Monk or DH

Healers (Some classes are higher priority, but all players will be considered)
High Priority Resto Shaman
High Priority Discipline Priest

DPS (Some classes are higher priority, but all players will be considered)
High Priority Unholy DK (2)
High Priority Arms Warrior (1)
High Priority Fire Mage (1)
High Priority Boomkin (1)
Ele Shaman

For more specific information, any questions, or prospectively joining the guild, please reach out to me on Discord!

Umphriez (GM) - Ump#2515

Hey there!

I’m from a guild called Stuck on Stupid on Illidan (Horde) focused on achieving CE this tier, with the aim of becoming more competitive with every tier. My guild is currently looking for talented DPS to complete our raid team. So far we are 9/10H while prioritizing giving trials a fair shot. We have now began to finalize our roster and expect progression to pick up significantly in the upcoming weeks. Our normal raid times are from 8:00-11:00pm (CST) server on Wednesday and Thursday. If you are interested in talking/finding out more, feel free to reach out to eDM#12573 (myself) or Fen7740#1209 (our guild and raid leader).

Thanks for your time and have a good day!

Faceroll is currently working on rebuilding a team for Mythic progression, we’re a team that’s built up of various raiders that have varying levels of experience and aiming to get a quality team built to push CE. Raid progression currently 7/10H. Aiming for AoTC next week!

We’re currently in need of ranged DPS, and 1 warrior would love to talk with you more. Can add any of our officers;

Healofsteel [Guild / Raid Leader] - Sauron#1367
Alzar [Guild Co-Leader] - Alzar#11256
Eonax [Officer] - Rav#1666
Watermonkey [Officer] - Watermonkey#11419
Or can go directly onto our site to find more about us & apply https://faceroll.org/ .

Zero Accountability is a new Area 52 guild recruiting for CE progression. With core players that have been in guilds from previous expansions such as Dread, Club Camel, Gentlemen’s Club, Revive, and others ranging between US20 and 60.

We are aiming to be US100 or lower the following tier and expect to finish this tier around US150.
We are open to package deals as long as all players in the package expect that their performance will be graded individually.

Current Progression
3/10M + 10/10HC

Raid times are:
T/W/TH with Monday added for boss @ lower % pulls.
7-10 PST / 9-12 CST / 10-1 EST

You are expected to:
Play your class to a high ability with drive to improve.
Communicate and work with the raid time.
Come to raid prepared.
Maintain attendance. Life happens, but we also expect you to communicate if something comes up.
Be an adult and be able to be not interrupted during raid constantly.
Trial period is 3 weeks. We encourage all trials to ask for feedback and review their own logs, as well as our raiders. You never know everything.

Recruitment is currently open for:

1 Core tank. This role requires you to be vocal more constantly than others, do NOT apply for a tanking position if you do not ask for your tank CDs. Pref VDH / Blood DK.

High Priority
Disc Priest
Unholy DK

Raid spots are competitive, we encourage any exceptional players to reach out and apply.

If you have any questions or would like to apply please contact us below via discord/battlenet.

Battlenet: ABSOLUTIONXI#1660 / nerve#6446
Battlenet: Magik#11429 / Eureka#3010

Hey! We have an immediate core mythic spot for a warrior!

SHIP IT on Stormrage-A
Tu/Th 9-1 EST
currently 1/10M, 9/10H with sire to 2%

We’re a group of former CE raiders that came back part way through Nyalotha and eanred 11/12M on a 4 hour schedule. We’ve increased to 8 hours for Shadowlands. Our guildies enjoy PvP , pushing keys, and playing other games together outside of raid times.

If you think we might be a good fit please contact one of us!
Rozden (Officer): Rozden#1570 (B-Net) Rozden#9651 (Discord)
Ari (Officer): Aerie#1365 (B-Net) Ari#6263 (Discord)
Struggle (GM): Illmerica#1459 (B-Net) Struggle#8815 (Discord)

Hey there, Agitator!

I’m Nyoki and I’m the recruitment officer for Good Game of Mal’Ganis. We, as a raid group, have been playing together since the end of Wrath and have always fully cleared progression with Cutting Edge. We’ve recently made the move to Mal’Ganis, horde, after over a decade of being Alliance (Kel’Thuzad and Stormrage).

We are currently finalizing the right CE team to take on Shadowlands and would love to talk to you about joining our band of miscreants. :slight_smile:

Feel free to read through the spam below and add my Real ID if you have any questions.

Hope to hear from you!

Nyoki the Insane
(BNet: Nyoki#11232, Discord: Nyoki#8886)

The leadership of Good Game have been playing together for multiple years and have had a successful career at not only leading end game content but have excelled at progression and staying competitive. We were formed originally on Kel’thuzad and made our way to Stormrage Alliance from WoD on forward. We finally made the hordian plunge recently and made our way here to Mal’Ganis. Although we may be new to the realm, we’ve been playing together mostly since Cataclysm.

We are currently recruiting skilled and dedicated individuals who believe they have what it takes to be top of the line players. The majority of us are older seasoned players who tend to thrive in that type of environment. We as a guild understand that it takes all kinds of individuals to make a guild successful and thus we would like to encourage all players that feel they are ready for our raid to apply. We welcome not only polished and experienced individuals but also players that simply have not discovered their true potential.

Raid Schedule
Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday 9:00PM-12:00AM CST (ST)

Current Progression
1/10M - Castle Nathria
9/10H - Castle Nathria

Previous Progression
BFA - 12/12M - Ny’alotha, the Waking City
Legion - EN (7/7M), ToV (2/3M), Nighthold (10/10M), TOS (9/9M), Antorus (11/11M)
WOD - Highmaul(7/7M), BRF(10/10M), and Hellfire Citadel(13/13/M)
MOP - MV(6/6H), HOF (6/6H), TOES (4/4H), TOT (13/13H), SoO (14/14M)
Cataclysm - BWD (6/6H), BOT (5/5H), TOFW (2/2H), Firelands (7/7H) and DS(8/8H)

Ranged DPS - (Open) (HIGH: Hunters, Warlock, Mage)
Melee DPS (Open) (HIGH: UH DK, WW Monk, Warrior)
Healer (High)
Tank (High)

We are looking to recruit several players for a 100% raid spot. Regardless of the status of your class in the above list, we encourage all exceptional players to apply. If you can outperform a current raider and not die to easy mechanics, you will take their spot.

Contact Information
Nyoki: BNet: Nyoki#11232, Discord: Nyoki#8886