[H] <Prideful> Mal'Ganis 2/10M 10/10H Tue/Thur 7-10 CST

Guild and Server: Prideful - Mal’Ganis

Needs: Marksmanship Hunter, Affliction Warlock, Boomkin and any other Exceptional DPS!

Requirements: Previous Mythic Raid experience, dedication to progression, good attitude

Application: prideful.gg/wow/

Raid Times/Days: Tuesday/Thursday 7-10pm CST

Current Progression: 2/10M 10/10H Castle Nathria

Recruitment Contact(s): JoshSmile#4014 (discord) or Fiveoh#3143 (discord)

Heroic Donny dies this week! Need some pumpers for mythic push!

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Immediate raid spots available! Heroic Sire will die Tuesday, then right into Mythic prog.

Sire Dead! Soon we will be having Roast Bat!

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Looking for solid dps for mythic!

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Could use a couple solid melee dps! Dks where ya at!?


Come game, gamers.

Tanky boy and dps needed! lets slap some mythic bosses!

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Shreikwing and Huntsman die tonight.

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Mythic starts tonight!

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Yessir! LF Pumpers

LF big dps! Where you at?

M Shreikwing down, still 2 hours in raid.

edit M Huntsman down! 2/10M

Hungering is up next! Looking for some dps!

Still looking for some more pumpers :smiley:

Bump for more pumpers. Should easily push 3-4/10M next week.

Any hunters looking for a guild?

Do you guys have expierence achieving cutting edge?

We formed at the start of nyalotha and achieved 11/12m but due to many players burning out and taking breaks before shadowlands we did not. But many of us kept playing and achieved CE with other raid teams :slight_smile: A handful of us are prior top 100 raiders with CE exp

Looking for a couple ranged!