Hey all! I’m a lone frost mage looking for a competent and casual and fun but serious and committed N/H progression group for 9.1. I’ve historically been a normal progression raider and I like the laid back, fun-over-progression feel of that, but wanting to push AOTC before patch drop with an established group (currently 9/10H from previous group).
I’m looking for an active, social, laid back, adult environment with people who actively play together outside of raid. I’d prefer a close knit and small group, over a large group where people barely know each other.
I get along with most everyone, as long as they don’t take my sarcasm, bad jokes, and fowl language to heart. I play the game for the banter, and the people. I’m always willing to take constructive criticism, do work outside of raid, and bounce ideas off each other to make us all better players, and I expect the same in return from my team.
In full transparency, I’m planning to try out a few teams and pick whichever feels like the best fit.
Please contact me via discord KaixKennedy#6077
Hello Gaiyah! Parabola may be just what you’re looking for! We are currently recruiting for 9.1 and provide the smaller guild environment you mentioned. I will leave you a portion of recruitment post to reference, but feel free to contact me in game if any of this interests you!
Looking for a new guild? One that puts its members first? Sick of being in some overstuffed guild but still want to enjoy endgame content? Parabola may be the place for you!
We’ve been part of Sargeras since the middle of 2016, originally created to give friends a place to hang while waiting for Legion to launch. We busted into the raid scene at the tail end of BFA and built a team of like minded players, banded together and pulled of AotC at the start of week 7 despite any amount of adversity we faced and plan to do it again!
Our guild will never be a large one, but will be one that accomplishes AotC each tier (with a goal of 5-8 weeks after season launch). We run keys throughout the week and enjoy slaughtering the Horde in the open world and in bgs!
Please keep in mind that the guild is somewhere between casual and semi-casual. Elitism will not be permitted. Our goal is to achieve aotc in a timely fashion each raid tier without the stress of a hectic raid schedule
Raids will be held Tuesday and Thursday from 5:30PM-8:30PM Server (6:30-9:30PM est)
Contact Maurá in game (alt 0225 for the a) or on battlenet: Kelryn#1211
Contact Whimsical in game or on battlenet: Whimsy#12730
Thank you for checking out Parabola
Hello, I am unable to contact you on Discord due to not being friends/ sharing a server. I have sent you a friend request.
Trashmasterz is a [10/10 H] AotC focused guild. We raid Friday and Saturday 7:00PM - 10:30PM. We are currently looking for 5-6 dps and 1 healer to flesh out our roster going into 9.1. Our goal is to be able to field a team of 20 raiders who show up consistently each week for progression, and to dip our toes into Mythic raiding next tier. Our primary focus will still be AotC but once that is achieved we will begin working on Mythic. I think the social atmosphere in our guild would be right up your alley. Crude/ Adult humor is certainly allowed. That being said we don’t tolerate racism / other forms of hate speech. It doesn’t have to be clean but it can’t be mean I hope to hear from you soon.
Contact Info:
Discord: Fingerbox#2475
Battletag: Anthem#1198
Reddit raids Tues and Thurs nights from 9pm –midnight central/ sever time.
Currently 10/10H and 2/10M. Mostly just aim for AOTC then hit a few mythic bosses to pass the time between raid tiers.
Most of us are in our 30s. My Battletag is JRoc#1966 and Discord is JRoc#5400. Hit me up and lets chat!