<A> 201 Resto Druid LF Raid/M+ Group


I’m a long time player returning to SL and am looking to get into some heroic raids and find some people to push keys with. Prefer a schedule centered more towards weekends and/or later in the evening. (9 CST+) btag jay#12324. Add me if you want to chat. Thanks.

A guildmate and I are forming an M+ team, would like to chat with you. Add me via discord. Kashnere#7867

Hey Jay!

Crimson Brotherhood is looking to add ranged and heals. Check us out!



Hey there Jaybeego,

All gas No Brakes Area 52 Horde

casual raiding guild progressing through heroic
we raid Tues/thurs 8:30-11:30 EST

you can reach me on discord or bnet at please let me know if you have any questions

Catto#11941 bnet
Catto#2729 dcord