[A] 2 LF Aotc guild

Greetings, A friend and I are currently looking for an AOTC guild on the server that raids after 10pm est (9pm ST) weekdays. My guild pretty much all went to classic and now we are looking for some place else to kick it. All I ever see guild recruitment spam for in trade chat is for Mythic raiding guilds and that isn’t what I am looking for. I figured I would go ahead and post on here and see what I could find.

Alliance only: Not willing to faction change
Raid availability: Weekdays after 9pm ST. We are available some weekends but not all
Aotc only. Not interested in being in a CE guild. Don’t mind dabbling in mythic raid content but it is not our focus.
Also we want a guild where people actually play together and are ok with rolling with guildees in M+ and not just worried about their raiderio.
Most importantly we want a guild that understands sometimes you are gonna wipe on bosses, especially when you are learning fight mechanics. There is no need to be a jerkface about it b/c it didn’t go down the second time the encounter gets done.

My friend plays a BM hunter and I just recently made the switch to a mage, so I am a little bit of a noob lol. I also might have a monk brewmaster tank tagging along.

If you have any questions you can whisper me on Glitterbõmb ( alt+0245 for the õ) /Starlaughter or just add me on Battlenet: Kungfubanana#1420.


Hi Glitterbomb, <Too Stupid To Quit> raids Tuesday & Sunday 8-11 EST. We’re currently 8/8 Heroic 2/8 Mythic, looking for DPS (prefer ranged) and off heals to fill our roster as we move to progress through mythic. We also run and push keys regularly throughout the week. I saw your time was a bit different than ours, but wasn’t sure about your flexibility on that. We also still run heroic regardless of working into mythic. If you’d like more information or have questions message me on discord, Allix#6846 or add me on bnet, Starstruck#1569

Thanks for the interest. It is a lil early for me but only b/c I work management in retail and my schedule tends to be all over the place. I can only 100% commit to anything after 9:30pm est. I will talk to him though and see if that time frame would work with him. I will contact you if it would be to see if we could possibly be a good fit for your guild.
We do have some experience in H EP. I think he is 6/8, I am 3/8 with AOTC last tier. ( jaina touched my no no spot a lot lol)


We raid Tues and Thurs nights from 9pm –midnight central/ sever time and looking for another a couple more dps. Also do an optional alt /fun run on the weekend.

Currently 8/8H and 8/8N. Mostly just aim for AOTC then hit a few mythic bosses to pass the time between raid tiers.

Most of us are in our 30s. My Battletag is JRoc#1966 and Discord is JRoc#5400. Hit me up and lets chat!