I am Looking to start a 1 day a week Heroic raiding guild. I love raiding but I am finding it hard to find time to raid more then 1 day a week. If this is something you would be interested in send me a message on discord Bazeleel#3491. I am curious if there is anyone else that would interested in this concept.
1 day a week for 4-5 hours. Focused on AOTC for each tier.
The Flaw is a ATOC 1 day a week raiding guild looking for additional friends to add to your ranks.
The core of our guild has been raiding together for about 6-7 years in mostly high end mythic capacity. Our real lives have caught up to us with full time jobs, kids and families taking up most of our video game time. We’re all still nerds that have the desire to raid so we only raid one day a week and fit in M+ on other days as time allows.
We raid Wednesdays from 8pm-11 CST and focus on Heroic ATOC progression with M+ on off days (typically Monday/Tuesday/Thursday).
If interested post below or you can contact me via Bnet Xenocryst#1593
I’d like to know more about this guild. Are you still raiding? What ilvl do you expect raiders to have to apply? Do you accept people that may have to miss a raid day sometimes?