99% parse and bottom of the meter

Nothing entitled about it. Blizzard through their infinite wisdom has changed classes to the point where each spec plays very different from each other. I personally heavily dislike Fire and there are many others like me. I won’t touch it, so would prefer that either Frost or Arcane are competitive. If those two options are gone, so is my $20/month.


It’s not about being entitled. It’s about Blizzard, in their infinite wisdom, decided to double down on the concept of borrowed power and pigeon hole you into your chosen spec through spec defining legendaries and covenant choices. Guess what happens when you’re the bottom of the meters? You wasted a ton of time and nobody wants you in their raid or m+. So what do you suggest people do that wasted their soul ash that they can’t refund? Just start all over and behind for a few more weeks? Yeah that’s fine if you’re casual but if you are in a progression guild you just get benched for staying the course or for rerolling specs. Literally a catch 22. How is that “entitled”?


100% parses!


Everything you said. Frost is currently in a terrible state (seemingly the worst it’s ever been) - even with multiple 99 parses I’m mid, or near bottom of the dps charts. I strongly dislike fire, and arcane is meh - I would rather reroll to another class if I can’t play the spec I love, or quit the game altogether if I can’t be raiding.

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Fire has not exactly been fun either. Switched to it at prepatch and still playing it. I’d rather play shaman or warlock :confused: