95% of Zandalari trolls seem to be picking Pa'ku as their loa

Kinda weird, but almost all of the ones I have seen are picking Pa’ku. A couple of them have picked Bwonsamdi. Meanwhile my little protwarrior is sitting over here as the only one that’s picked Krag’wa that I’ve seen. xD

I like how the choice can actually be seen on the character and I’ve been looking at all the Zandalari trolls curious as to what they picked. I know the numbers are probably different all around, just going by what I’ve seen so far.


So when I race changed from Tauren to Zandalari it automatically set my blessing to Pa’ku. I think that Pa’ku is the baseline Loa that all Zandalari start with and then you can choose to change it.

Those players might not know they can even change their blessing.


Pa’ku is the default loa choice, that is why you see 95% of them with it.

Once they change it, and figure out they can change it
(cause what are patch notes right?)
that number will change.


Well I heal and dps on mine so paku is my only option anyways


actually bwonsambi would be better for that…

The Zandalari Troll Racial Traits are:

To choose your Loa you will have to go to their shrines in Dazar’alor, and attune yourself to them by literally making an offering to their shrines! There is a five day cooldown on the spell, meaning you can only change your loa once every 5 days.


/way 58.3 50.2 Shrine of Akunda
/way 41.6 50.4 Shrine of Bwonsamdi
/way 50.3 63.0 Shrine of Gonk
/way 57.0 43.5 Shrine of Kimbul
/way 42.8 43.4 Shrine of Krag’wa
/way 49.3 62.8 Shrine of Pa’ku

are all the locations.

Go ham with it my brudda.


I wanna do Kimbul, when I can finally make a Zandalari.

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I went Kimbul myself for a BM zandalari Hunter with Hati (renamed to midnight currently), the extra 3 stacks of bleeds stack nicely with the new barbed shot damage.

Maybe Pa’ku is just a fun guy.


Bwom doesn’t help me with healing?


I went Bwonsamdi with my new paladin, fun stuff.

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bwonsandi on my balance druid

Fun gal*


You are posting on a warlock, and you want me to automatically assume your main is a healer, why exactly?

I can’t read your mind man, if you are posting on that toon, I assume that is the one you are having issues with. And in this case that character would benefit more from bwonsambi if it could actually be a Zandalari to begin with.
Warlocks are banned from the Zanda club.


paku is the default. I dont know where any of the idols are and I would bet a lot of other people dont either.

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Ah, that makes far more sense.


My fire mage went with Gonk… maybe the speed will help in combat but certainly out of combat it will help.
My prot paladin went… umm… still Pa’ku haven’t got to change it yet.
My holy priest went Akunda for the healz.
A few other characters went with Kimbul, haven’t had any take Bwonsamdi or Krag’wa yet. I was tempted by both though.


I said I heal and dps. I cant help you cant flipping read. Warlocks dont have a healing spec and cant be zanda. Comprehension is hard.


I will fix this for you once again for the 16th time today


Racial Traits

The Zandalari Troll Racial Traits are:

To choose your Loa you will have to go to their shrines in Dazar’alor, and attune yourself to them by literally making an offering to their shrines! There is a five day cooldown on the spell, meaning you can only change your loa once every 5 days.

All locations of shrines:

/way 58.3 50.2 Shrine of Akunda
/way 41.6 50.4 Shrine of Bwonsamdi
/way 50.3 63.0 Shrine of Gonk
/way 57.0 43.5 Shrine of Kimbul
/way 42.8 43.4 Shrine of Krag’wa
/way 49.3 62.8 Shrine of Pa’ku

You technically heal and dps being a warlock, how did I misread your poorly phrased sentences?


Here I’ll get on my zandalari warlock and post for you…

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