95% of the top of the arena ladder is alliance. Something needs to be done about the human racial

Sure nerf Human racial because the PvP ladder is full of Alliance.
Also nerf Horde racials because raids are full of Horde.


Thats how it was last time around too. In ATR we all went Alliance even though in retail we all played Horde simply for the EMFH.

Blizz nerfing human racial caused humans to be the most played race in WoW and Alliance to be #1 to now Ally being dead on almost every version of the game with humans hardly played in comparison to how they once were.

Because as has been repeated in this thread, those were incomparable to the human racial and proven exaggerations. Alliance and horde had roughly even representation at the top of arena and alliance had numerous comps that were better with perception and stone form.

Nothing is better than every man for himself. It is utterly broken compared to absolutely everything else.

They’ll Forget to rant on that when the raid lists start filling out and they rank guild clears. Decent chance it be horde loaded.

Guys stop feeding this socket puppet with 9 post who didn’t get the reaction he wanted in his first thread. Let this thread die.


Phase 2 never forget noshoes dog. Lets not even talk about tbc RMP triple undead wotf.

Just reroll or faction transfer.


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Let’s not even talk about human warlock dwarf priest in 2s. Let’s not even talk about gnome warriors, etc.

Alliance had comps that were legit better on their side, horde had some too. The arena ladders shows relatively even ratios on both sides.

Ah the good ole “anyone who who disagrees with me is a troll”. My favorite.


Which was in response to Horde supremacy with having both the best PvE and PvP racials during Vanilla and TBC and now you want to do something about Will to Survive in Cataclysm PvP…

1 strong alliance racial vs 6+ strong horde racials and now the Horde are crying because they no longer have a stranglehold on PvP I’ll just say it again. Suck it up and deal with it.


I’m not going to spoil the surprise then.

I faction xferred to troll. I’m regenerating 10% of my regular HP regen in combat and there’s nothing alliance can do about it.


Then enjoy your inferior racials until legion lmao.


Blizzard has always favored Alliance. In the original vanilla game they rushed to even complete Horde content as an afterthought lol. Alliance are the babied faction and usually the squeakiest wheels when they don’t get every advantage possible. Just look at SoD, heavy Alliance favoritism. The devs play Alliance and so do most streamers.

Alliance was far superior in both pve and organized PvP in vanilla because of paladins.

It’s been discussed repeatedly that this, despite fear mongering, was proven false in reality. Look at the arena leaderboards for TBC and tell me the reasonably even alliance horde ratios at the top and tell me “horde has a stranglehold”.

Perception, stoneform, shadowmeld, etc. were great racials with the right comps.

Alliance legitimately has a stranglehold in cataclysm. Horde did not in vanilla/TBC.

You should see how small Kalimdor was originally intended to be in vanilla lol. Anyone that’s being honest and has been with the game for awhile will tell you that Alliance is the Dev’s baby that gets the most attention.

Horde are the adopted child that just has to make due.


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Yeah, better players prefer Horde in PvE. Alliance is focused on premades for BGs atm

Why do they prefer Horde?

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Because they already had Horde toons and this is week 2 of raids.

Why did they have Horde toons? Also, many top Alliance guilds transferred to Horde.

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