95% of the top of the arena ladder is alliance. Something needs to be done about the human racial

And most premade BGs are Alliance, and most top arena teams are Alliance

Yeah, every man for himself is way out of hand. Blizzard do the right thing and just delete it. Vanilla-TBC had far superior racial balance than this mess.

Now let’s see that faction distribution a few more weeks into the content for PvE compared to PvP. I bet one evens out while the other remains static.

Blood Fury gives how much AP? Like 1150 or something? So you’re trading either the on use 1520 on use main stat or the 900 proc main stat trinket.

Compared to Blood Fury EMFH is currently worth a few hundred AP proc. Orcs also get Hardiness.

Soooo out of hand, wowzers. The real reason people think Human is currently busted is because a streamer told them. Just like the streamers told them Arms Warrior would be a bottom tier PvP spec, and now everyone is just finding out that Arms is still busted in PvP.


That’s not what the data says

The data of everyone following top PvPers because they go for every advantage they can get? Yeah, maybe you could think a little bit for yourself and see how much value EMFH actually brings right now.

People can’t think for themselves, AT ALL.


“People are only going Alliance because a streamer told them to”

“People are going Horde because it’s better”


I didn’t say Alliance wasn’t better. I said the advantage is OVERRATED, especially for the average PvPer.

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But people are only going Alliance because a streamer told them to, while simultaneously going Horde because it is better…impeccable logic


if you cant beat them join them

I don’t even know what you’re going on about because you don’t actually have a point. You’re here to troll, that’s all.

People are playing Horde in PvE for the advantage they get in parsing, even if it’s small.
People are playing Alliance in PvP for the advantage they get in Arena, even if it’s small.

Why do you think EMFH is busted? Explain or go do some quests or whatever you do.

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Racial advantage in PvE is legitimately negligible, and weather your a blue parser or a pink parser, you both cleared the exact same content, so ranks are way less meaningful.

Racial advantage in PvP can make a difference in whether or not you actually win, specifically at the highest levels.

Gee, I wonder if having 2 powerful BiS pve trinkets that gave massive boosts in dps isn’t a massive advantage over someone who can only use 1? /s

If you have access to a very strong PvE trinket, this racial is huge. With racials like will and stone form, those are predictable on use abilities that you can devise a strategy to play around. You cannot do this nearly as much as someone who just had an outright gear advantage over you. Take 2 players of equal skill, the one that has better gear wins, and that’s essentially what the human racial does. And it does it with the most impactful gear slot in the game.

You think people are going to drop 680 resil to use double PvE trinkets? Who even gets two PvE trinkets worth using? Heart of Rage? Maybe for Warriors, that’s one slot.

The top 3’s team is Horde and 100 rating higher than anyone else. All 3 of them are Orcs. Maybe Hardiness is better than you think? Hmmm.

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Remember, according to Macguffin, people only go Alliance because a streamer told them to, while simultaneously also going Horde because it is better :skull:

Schrodinger’s Racials

You’re putting words in my mouth. My entire point has been that EMFH isn’t game breaking, even if it’s the best. There’s 3 Orcs on the very top of the 3’s bracket, and they’ll probably stay there because this CC/Burst meta is stronger than people thought it was going to be.

People say a lot of things that aren’t true. People said Blood DPS wasn’t going to be viable in Cata because it’s “only a tank spec” too.

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*boring as heck

Humans can be hunters now

Using “well Snutz/Chan are top of the ladder as Orc.” as a way to argue that Human racial isn’t broken is very odd.

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Yeah, Snutz and Chan could be playing trolls or something and still be top

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How so? Do you think they’re that far ahead in skill from the other top players in the world who are somehow 100 rating lower with supposed “broken” Alliance racials? Would they be 500 rating ahead if they were Alliance?

How do you people define what is broken?