9.2.5 Wishlist: Updated Timewalking Vendor Gear & Unused Assets!

Hey everyone

Warning: This thread will be quite large with plenty of pictures. For a short version of this thread, I made a twitter post with pictures, so if lots of words is too much, feel free to check out my twitter post: https://twitter.com/TheLostCodex/status/1507112044440559627

Full imgur gallery: https://imgur.com/a/p6VOfKh

My 9.2.5 Wish:

After seeing all of the QoL changes that came with 9.1.5, I have high hopes for the patch!

One of my favorite features in the 9.1.5 patch was the addition of the Legion Timewalking vendor and after seeing what the vendor offered, I pray that the other Timewalking vendors will be updated.

Unlike the Legion Timewalking Vendor, every other TW vendor from Burning Crusade to Warlords offers a very lack-lustre selection of gear and weapons.

Why is it lack-lustre?

Because the gear represented on the Timewalking Vendors is gear that not only still exists currently in game, but gear that can be bought for gold (we’re talking Transmog equivalence here). None of the weapons or armor from Timewalking Vendors from BC - WoD are unique - they’re just Timewarped versions of gear from those expansions.

Example: Here we see Timewalking Gear on the left and the exact same items down to the model sold for gold (use to be Badges of Justice) on the right (with the obvious difference being the scaled item level/stats)


So why does this matter? Because the Legion Timewalking Vendor doesn’t follow the paradigm of the past vendors. Whichever developer was tasked with making this vendor and the rewards - a super well forking job done to them and a thousand years of good luck to them as well!

Unlike WoD Timewalking, which simply takes different Rare-drops from across Draenor and slaps it up on a vendor, Legion Timewalking gives us all new items.

Cloth/Leather pieces were given an unused color from the Legion Dungeon sets and while Mail pieces received the short end of the stick (due to their sets having all their colors in game), plate was the big winner.


Not only was the plate pieces given the appearance of the unused Blackrook Hold armor, but a whole damn ensemble was added for the missing pieces!


And then we have the weapons! Since Legion obviously didn’t have a whole lot of weapon rewards, the models used were mostly all NPC only weapons, seen on the Nightborne in Suramar - something much of the community had been asking for since Legion Alpha!

And the cherry on the cake with this vendor? The Aegis of Aggramar because why the hell not. A badge-sink for a cool, cosmetic offhand is something Timewalking had never done and I hope this whole vendor sets a new path for future (and past) Timewalking vendors!

What Could be:

Imagine if instead of the Timewalking vendors just having old Badge of Justice or rare-drop gear slapped with the Time Warped tag, instead the armor/weapons were actually unused assets from that era. Light knows there are literally thousands of unused weapons, armor and mounts just sitting the in the files - so why not use them?

Following in the same pattern as the Legion TW Vendor…

New Burning Crusade TW Ideas:

  • Incomplete/Unused Dungeon Sets: We see throughout TBC Dungeons, all sorts of ‘Vanilla Dungeon recolors’ (Purple Judgement, for example) being slapped on the loot tables, so why not follow that same pattern?


  • Draenei NPC guard armor: Only used by Draenei NPC’s (recolor of Paladin Tier 4), some of these pieces are available through questing but things like the shoulders and boots are not.


  • Sunwell Assets: As is the case with every raid, the Sunwell has a plethora of unused Blood Elven colored weapons that just never got used (because Sunwell had one difficulty level) so what not a perfect way than to slap them up on a TW Vendor!


  • Unused Tabards: Every expansion has unused tabards and Time Walking really seems like the perfect way to use old unused NPC tabards!


New Wrath Timewalking Ideas:

  • The amount of unused weapons from Wrath of the Lich King expansion is enough to make even the Lich King cry. From Troll weapons to Vrykul weapons to TONS of Coliseum/Argent Tourney Weapons, I could literally fill the whole thread with every unused color/asset.


  • Caverns of Time Stratholme also had a ton of unused colors, including the iconic Lordaeron shield. Seeing some of these colors go unused for over ten years just feels bad - but tying them to Wrath Timewalking a few times a year? That would be fun to work towards!


  • Unused Tabards: Hand of Vengeance Forsaken Tabard and the Alliance Expedition Tabard (Horde variant got added with Exile’s Reach intro, but not moggable)


New Cataclysm TW Ideas

  • Incomplete leveling sets: One of my favorite things about Cataclysm was all the leveling sets given to the old 10-60 leveling experience. Unfortunately, so many of them remain incomplete to this day and I’d love to see some of them completed.


  • Deathwings Mace: This amazing weapon that never saw the light of day. Never got to see him wield it even once. May as well slap it on a vendor for us players!


  • Unused Raid/PVP Colors: Cataclysm, like Wrath, has a high volume of unused Raid/PVP colors just sitting in the files. BFA was great by adding many of these to Island Expedition, but many remain!


  • Tabards: Unused Reliquary and Explorer’s League Tabards - would’ve made perfect Archaeology Tabards, but Timewalking works! Archaeologists are Timewalkers with shovels!


New Mists of Pandaria TW Ideas:

  • Wandering Isle Gear: Once White/common gear becomes Transmoggable next expansion, seeing what colors from the HUGE asset list of Starting Pandaren gear are not currently used and adding those to a Timewalking Vendor would be fantastic. This picture below just shows you how many assets are unmoggable from this one kit.


  • Mogu Weapons: MoP saw a Mogu mace added and BFA added an unused axe, but there’s still plenty of Mogu assets unused - why not add them all in a single arsenal?

  • Kind of Mogu related: People may remember the Harmonic Mallet that appeared in 5.1, wielded by Anduin during his confrontation with Garrosh. The mallet never appears again so…why not use it!


  • Shado-Pan Armor: We have the wicked Shado-Pan head piece but none of the matching armor? I’d absolutely lose my mind if 2 ensembles were added - one gold and one silver- with a robe/tunic version for the set that’s been unobtainable for nearly 10 years now!

  • Unused Tabards: Timewalking Tabard…need I say more? Also the crafting Pandaren Tabard (an old concept for a reputation that never made it to live) and an ‘Pandaren Elder’ Tabard with a cool design.


New Warlords of Draenor Ideas:

  • Now, I’m usually against wielding big iconic weapons (especially if their wielders are very much alive) but after the Aegis of Aggramar & Artifact system, screw it.

Add an Arsenal called “Arsenal of the Warlords” which features Gul’dan, Ner’zhul and Kilrogg’s staff and Gorehowl in glorious HD.


  • WoD had a lot of gear that came in unused colors. For some, it was the Draenor Crafting gear, for other sets it was raiding sets. In the case of our favorite Draenei lady, Yrel even had some unique ‘Yrel-only’ sets while she ‘leveled up’ with Alliance players - and seeing as she wound up wearing Exarch gear, why not put her gear to good use!


  • Frostwolf Cosmetic Gear: It still pisses me off that to this day, the Frostwolf Clan armor is leather only. A clan full of Warriors, Shamans and Hunters yet their Clan outfit is Leather? For all those Frostwolf Druids and Monks and Demon Hunters and Rogues, right?


  • Unused Tabards: You may notice during your Timewalking this week in Auchindoun that some of the NPC’s wear a cool Tabard that we can’t get! In addition, there’s a Kor’kron Tabard from Siege of Orgrimmar (MoP, I know) and a few Iron Horde Tabards that would be great to add to the collection!


  • Mounts: I could spam a thousand unused mount skins but instead I’ll just show off the ones I chose for my twitter post. There’s an enormous amount of unused mounts from TBC through Shadowlands that could be added and seeing as how people are probably looking for a Badge sink, new Timewalking mounts with reskins would be a great add!


Again, this is just an idea/plea thread for 9.2.5 or even 10.0.

As it stands, the BC, Wrath, Cata, Mists and WoD Timewalking Vendor bring absolutely nothing new to the game with the exception of their toys/mounts! But the gear, which mainly serves to be cheap catch up gear (depending on the patch cycle) is TW-cloned gear found elsewhere in the game. What a perfect opportunity to use the Legion Timewalking Vendor as a template and revamp every single Vendor with a kickass collection of unused armor tints, ensembles/arsenals, and dope pricey weapon/cosmetic offhands

Feel free to jot more ideas below!

Remember, the idea isn’t to just wish up random rewards but rather make use of the thousands of unused assets sitting the files. Reskins for Timewalking aren’t bad, especially if we’ve never had them as players!


This sounds like a great idea. We honestly need more of that. I’ve been wanting the other recolors of the WotLK Lordaeron shield for years.


Honestly, the potential for Timewalking Vendors is huge and I’m hoping the Legion vendor truly set a precedent!

Here’s hoping!


Agree op. They really do need to update the stuff TW vendors sell. Willing to bet most folks who run time walk dungeons whenever they are up, have probably purchased most of the stuff the vendor sells, and have tons of tw badges that will never be used lol.


10/10 post, great ideas. I hope this gets some attention!


I would like to them to do like modern versions/textures of old tier sets for timewalking. Would be nice. Timewalking every week. And add a timewalking classic.

Consider doing timewalking mythics/keystones for all old dungeons. Just start with turning a few dungeons into keystones over time. Maybe like 1 each expansion and more over time.


Why don’t we have Timewalking Classic already, with so many great dungeons going unused for max-level players? Some of the dungeons would be too long or short, but the devs could choose the 5 most appropriate ones.

Great post, OP! WoW devs are pretty resource-starved right now, and in the coming year players are going to be content-starved, so I see no reason not to make the unused assets available as cosmetic rewards.

I know this would be breaking tradition, but why not add BfA Timewalking dungeons one expac early to help with the content drought?

And why not make Timewalking available every week?


100% on board with everything.

To contribute, there are myriad armors from Burning Crusade which are NPC only I’d absolutely love to have.

Red and Black variants on the Lawbringer Set -

And the Red and Black Deathbone Variant as seen on

There is a Fel, Green version of

Used by -

Oh, and of course, this -

Oh what I wouldn’t do for that sword…


I might start upgrading heirlooms at this point. I have probably close to 150k-200k badges spread out.

New stuff would definitely be fun.

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wow from here on out is going to be only for the top 10% of players with double leggos,tier sets and 239 conduits.

casuals do not need to be subbed because there is nothing for you until 10.0.

Some of those look super dated, would want them redone at least as it would be kind of silly to add such low quality models into retail imo.

More options are always good but don’t want to have to look at the bottom of the barrel.

Still waiting for this mount to be in-game, would of been perfect for the WoD timewalking vendor


The whole point to “Timewalking” is to take a step back into the pasr and fight bosses, and loot stuff from that era, which iswhy I’m proposing for the unused rewards from that era be rewarded.

We’ll always get new things - 10.0 will drop a whole whack or updated stuff and maybe, like Tomb of Sargeras, they’ll update old armor sets for current content. But that’s not the point of this thread,

Thousands of unused, old assets remain rotting in the files. Many folks like those classic (even if low-Rez) appearances especially if it’s familiar but also “new”.

Asking for TW to reward updated rewards suddenly takes artists away from developing the next wave of content. IMO, use the gold mine of stuff we have and put it in through easy; casual content like Timewalking!

It’s optional so if the stuff is ugly, it’s not for you!


There’s a part of me that always wanted them to do Vanilla TW, but with a twist: The dungeons are actually the original versions. Wailing Caverns with the maze, Sunken Temple with the top floor, Deadmines with Mr. Smite and Edwin, etc.

I suppose the idea is a bit less novel with Classic being a thing now, but still…

Part of the reason I liked leveling was doing the dungeons again. I wouldn’t mind that with timewalking. Or just scale us down with the leveling folks like in FF14.

I see your point.

What an absolute legend of a thread!

I might be in the minority but those old sets look nice! I do hope we get the chance to get them. Thank you also for this thread.

The Mogu bows are beautiful too.


I hope that the Community Council and Blizz sees this! Post it on Reddit, too. The devs post there. Great thread!

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Great idea - I posted over to /r/wow. Maybe it’ll blow up there!

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Hope so! I love the idea of more transmog using badges! Gives me evenore reason to love Timewalking. :slightly_smiling_face:

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