9.2 was not planned to be the last patch

I remember that Bellular or Taliesin or both foresaw that very early.

But he made a diagram. What about those ???’s. What was supposed to go there? I have to know.

We know. this isnt news. a whole .3 patch has been scrapped. and the story has been pushed forward. Probably for multiple reasons including the poor reception to the story and zones, the ongoing issues at blizzard, patches not going out quickly enough and just overall a desire to move the story on from whatever this was. We not questioning it, Shadowlands was supposed to be WotLK 2.0 but ended up as WoD 2.0, its best we just move on from it.

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So your link is ~imgur.com./a/mjlmbs4

When copying it, leave out the ~

Are they going to add more to SLs? Or maybe that space is for something else?

I think there will be some content in 9.2.5, as it will have to ease the waiting for 10.0.
I foresee a new quest “campaign”, probably to handle the Sylvanas matter.
A small new zone would be very nice. :slight_smile:

Yup, stuff was cut and pretty apparent.
Still want SL to end lol

I bet that last one was for a thros mini raid in some alternate plane.


Working from home alright.

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I’d expect a tier looking something like the Dazarlor tier - we’d have a raid in the House of the Chosen to wrap up that story-line as well as lay the seeds for the plot about collecting the Sigils, we’d probably have defeated Vryaz, probably with Sylvanas as the final boss of that raid, and while Thros would function as a patch island the story-line of the patch island would wrap up with a 2-3 boss raid.

Then we’d go to Sanctum in 9.2 with Anduin as the final boss of that raid and then Sepulcher would function pretty similar to how it does now, only probably with less Dreadlord vibes, as Mal’ganis would have probably been the penultimate boss of Sanctum.

Just my guess, but I feel there’s something to it.

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Complete joke lol

So the community itself is the real WoW killer. Got it.

And I’ve already seen a “leak” from 10.0. So yea I am thinking that this is the last patch.

Yep even through Ion said “We aren’t doing a WoD”. They did it anyways. It was probably for the best to put Systemlands and Choregast in the dumpster ASAP.

You don’t need to see any leaks. Blizzard has confirmed this is the last raid tier of this expansion.


I think Torghast is fun now. Playing Jailer’s Gauntlet not for any specific need but because it’s fun. There are alleged leaks that 10.0 is going to launch with a feature like Jailer’s Gauntlet, which I pray is true because it’s actually quite solid and would make for a fun feature to play if it didn’t get weighed down by the negative labels associated with Torghast.

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(post deleted by author)


It is what it is.

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Pretty sure everyone knows this already.

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We knew since 9.0 that this expansion was another WoD.

No. I actually have enjoyed some of this.

Yeah, they obviously pulled the ripcord in more ways than one.

I’m sure they’re already hard at work designing new terrible systems in 10.0 that they’ll make just tolerable enough in 10.2.

I actually enjoyed some of WoD too. Namely the leveling experience. That didn’t stop the endgame from being mostly focused on instanced premade content.