9.2 - Uther and Tyrande will interact with Sylvanas

Have you played Heroes of the Storm? They share friendly dialogue.

I always wished that was canon. I headcanon they knew eachother before she died. In HotS he implies he knew her from before she was dead because he tells he she looks terrible as an undead. She responds by chiding him instead of getting angry at him. It seems friendly to me.


Doesn’t look like you do. I hardly do, either.

Forum posting alt is a forum posting alt.

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I can’t find this shared dialogue in their list of interactions on the wiki. Uther is very hostile to the Horde though, and Sylvanas is hostile to virtually everyone.

I’ll find you the video, hold on.

1:48 mark

The Scarlet Crusade did nothing wrong.

And the Night Elf souls are obliterated, great resolution

Nevermind, I found it:

  • Uther: Sylvanas… you look like hell!
  • Sylvanas: Hold your tongue, or I’ll tear it out.


  • Sylvanas: I thought I was done suffering fools!
  • Uther: And I thought being dead would make someone less aggressive!

They do not seem to be getting along.


Whatever I love it.

Did you see the Genn one? Savage.

"Remember, Arthas. We are paladins. Vengeance cannot be a part of what we must do. If we allow our passions to turn to bloodlust, then we will become as vile as the orcs. " - Uther the Lightbringer

I dunno man I think forgiveness was always a part of what Paladins do. They protect, and fight for the right reasons. But a Sylvanas that’s in total defeat and coping with the restoration of her soul… as much as I don’t love the plot thread I can see that being very in character for Uther. Especially since he too took a dark path with a partial soul.


Genn has some great lines.

My favorite is when he gets a kill on Arthas, and he says:

“Terenas, let this be my atonement.”


I’m glad Nathanos is most likely coming back. I think I saw Ion say “We’ll see!” In a different interview. Perhaps a reunion? Or maybe he’ll die permanently in the raid?


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That makes no sense, because Paladins have a spec called “Retribution.” They should’ve chosen a different name.

Retribution =/= Vengeance.


According to one of the guides both Jaina and Sylvanas were present. It’s possible that Sylvanas,’ surprise at seeing another Lich King in Edge of Night was because she didn’t believe Uther or her latching onto to feel that familiar anger to fill that sense of emptiness from Arthas’ death.

I think he’ll be a raid boss and die, with Blizzard trying to use the moment in an attempt to invoke sympathy towards Sylvanas with her reflecting that her alliance with the Jailer and how it cost her everything. Suffice to say people, as always, will be divided on the matter.

Which guide? Both versions of the raid contradict each other.

It was the World of Warcraft: Annual 2015 a Warcraft book covering lore events, locations, characters, cities, legendary weapons, and pet battles that have made up the game. The book came out during WoD or before it.

Meanwhile the dungeon for the Halls of Reflection outright states both women were present.

That still doesn’t make sense because the tenor of the conversation with Uther changes drastically depending on who is present, as does the dialogue for lots of other things.

I don’t buy it.

The latest lore we’ve had it has both Jaina and Sylvanas there. Chronicles didn’t cover the event and there’s been plenty of lore nowadays that people don’t like.

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