All we need now are colors unlike any that have been seen on earth but it’s just a re-textured cloak from two expansions ago.
My friend played Dark Souls with a texture randomizer mod and that made things look weird alien.
The art team needs to make the Shadowlands color palate with rainbow shrimp in mind. Unknowable shades of colors. Only then will we be truly original.
No wonder Zoval wants to remake reality, the afterlife kinda sucks.
And to think they bum rushed through literal years of possible xpac content ( ie kul tiras , zandalar, nazjatar, ny’lotha, nzoth all rammed into one xpac) just to get this version of the afterlife that no body asked for.
They really did just go through tons of content just like nothing. Which is a shame because if they just did build up like for the Lich King? They could tell really fun stories and they wouldn’t have to really worry about running out of content. It really seems like Blizzard had all these big epic moments planned but wanted to rush to get to them rather than properly build up to them/live up to all the build up. It just doesn’t feel earned.
They really did goof that up. Just focusing on Azerite and it driving the leaders wild, the whole war arc, would have been fine. Then the .3 patch brings in Azshara who could have her own expac, and the .3 of that could have brought in Nzoth who’d have an expac.
Gives more time to weave the Jailer in as well.
We wouldn’t even have fought Azshara yet in this case.
Cotton Candy Lobster race when?
What breaks my heart most is I think that an Alliance Tauren Druid looks bloody incredible.
Blue and Gold is a beautiful color scheme that Horde races are senselessly denied.
That Azshara wasn’t a full expansion BBEG is absolutely criminal. She’s been a major lore figure since WarCraft 3: The Frozen Throne…and she was a mid-tier raid boss.
And to beat the dead horse, the city of Nyalotha was one raid. It deserved to be a dark, water filled tomb city like we saw in the Azshara/Warbringers short.
That’s great that Azshara’s been around for 2+ decades, but aren’t you hyped that we’ll FINALLY get to visit Zereth Mortis? A place so intertwined and buried deep within WoW lore that we first heard about it, a year ago tops?
But hey, we can walk on water now.
It’s water like no other water though!
I’m going to be brutally, viciously honest here and I deeply and truly apologize for the people who are actually amped to explore Zereth Mortis.
The bloody Jade Forest was more “alien” looking than this place.
This looks like Random Titan Facility #2175-T. Oh but right, this isn’t Random Titan Facility #215-T. This is Random SUPER TITAN Facility #2175-T.
I love that the creators of reality and the beings that ordered the cosmic forces and created the gods of the religions of the universe including the afterlives still have little dudes mining stuff with pickaxes lol
It would have been great if they broke the 4th wall and it was just Danuser’s apartment w/ Sylvanas posters and body pillows, taco bell wrappers all over the floor and stuff.
I know I have no horse in this race any longer, but I will legitimately be annoyed if Blightcaller doesn’t turn up last-second to save Sylvanas from certain doom and they get a touching, FULL BORE BLIZZARD CINEMATIC for his death scene.
There’s a joke here about gold farming, but I’m not clever enough to write it.
Something that always bothered me about BfA was that the Alliance got Void Elves and Light Draenei…
And we didn’t see them interact even once. Like damn, a mission where we’re going around with a Lightforged Vindicaar and a Ren’dorei Ranger would have been amazing. Small characters squabbling over every little thing as they get hurled through this adventure, eventually coming to have a begrudging respect for one another. It writes itself!
But nooooo…
Go take down another airship.
Anyways, I said it in another thread, but one of the more subtle sins of BfA was the homogenization of each faction’s races. Basically, we went from, “The races are pillars of their own connected to each other through the Alliance/Horde” to “The races are just slightly different shades of blue/red”. Though there are exceptions (such as Kaldorei and gnomes), most races got a handful of quests or a token NPC and that’s it.
I’ll confess the more I think about it, I might be being a bit harsh here. There are a lot of races, and giving each one a time in the spotlight while telling a single narrative isn’t easy. However, I feel like we had a disproportionate amount of time with the mascot races (orcs and humans), and that time could have been optimized better.
For example, the last patch is about Old Gods in a desert or Pandaria, but we don’t interact with any Ren’dorei, Vulpera, Houjin or Tushui Pandaren. It would have been cool seeing a mechagnome and a vulpera - the two brand new races - working together to figure out how to get through a desert and take control of a Titan compound. What benefits or weaknesses do the Lightforged Draenei have against fighting Old Gods? What about Forsaken, seeing as death knights could use Saronite armor, do the Undead have any resistances to insanity?
even just go less so and have the fact the Zandas and Kul Tirans just had major internal conflicts because of old god aligned issues and are the ones preventing N’zoth doing a casual total take over.
Unfortunately, Sylvanas already got her allotted one-per-expansion fancy cinematic when she fought Bolvar in the launch trailer. For her to get another one, it needs to actually be about Saurfang in some way and he’s super dead.
I want to be sure I understand you correctly here.
You’d be okay with people complaining about the game, as long as they also said something nice about it too?
The story has been diving headlong into a giant chasm of rancid fecal matter for a few years now, and the preview of the next patch does nothing to suggest they’re changing that direction. That they’d honestly think floating trees (ala Nagrand) and walkable water (ala every Shaman, DK, and person with that mount equipment) would somehow be new and impressive is only more worrisome.
But the art is super-pretty, as it always it.