Yeah but the post was made specifically for the idea that you’re unhappy with the game. So much negativity about wow it’s just part of the culture of the game at this point it seems
the gargantuan multinational megacorporation will be fine, man
I won’t speak for everyone obviously, but people I do speak with aren’t unhappy with ‘the game’. They are unhappy with the *present state of things or Shadowlands (parts or whole).
Yes, there’s a lot of people who are happy to tear Blizz a new one. There’s a lot of people taking joy in Blizz being the punching bag. Blizz brought much of that on itself and I wouldn’t begrudge those people for wanting to burn it all down.
I do however think they are outnumbered by those of us who just want Blizz and this game to do and be better. We’re tired of hearing ‘we hear you guys, we’re listening’…when it’s apparent they aren’t.
So gdamn stupid.
Yes, literally and a lot of it is in fact specifically hand designed by the megacorp in charge of it’s product development.
Honestly, just hearing that we should be excited to see water we’ve never seen before because we can walk on it was enough to keep my jade going.
I do sincerely hope WoW eventually gets itself together once again. I do. I played for so long, I can’t help but keep tabs on something that was a major part of my life.
But this just don’t feel like it. Tier sets are back but they look like the Legion Lightforged Argus stuff mixed with questing/crafted Shadowlands gear. There’s no distinct life or style to each class like the tier sets of old. Even Sylvanas would rather bum it up.
There’s so much more I dislike but I’m sure others will say it more eloquently than I can.
shamans and death knights are in shambles r/n
My water strider is making a sad fase in his stables
That’s any fandom you care to mention. You think WoW is bad? Man, you should see the Warhammer - and by extension the Total War - fanbase right now.
That said I think a part of it is the earlier you latch on to something, the more importance you place in it as part of your individual identity. A lot of the folks here have been in for over a decade or longer (and boy is it weird realizing Mists of Pandaria turns 10 next year). They miss the game as it used to be, even if that’s not how the game ever truly was.
But the negativity? That’s always been a part of WoW as well. LFG was going to be the downfall of the game, despite the fact even as a Healer main I had to wait to do Dungeons/Heroics on my day off because the queue for Thorium Brotherhood took hours.
katamari damacy…
Toxic positivity is just as…well toxic.
Have you ever been trapped in a toxic positivity environment? Oh no, can’t complain or bring up any criticism only allows worse things to grow and fester with time. I understand that a negative environment is just as toxic of course and is obviously more common and easier to spot than the latter.
Anyway I have no real point to this I guess. Game is still bad but it’s fine if you’re still enjoying it, there’s still plenty of people that are, even cited myself about still playing and enjoying collecting stuff in 9.1 but I still saw areas of needed improvement and I’m going to point those things out and b!tch and moan cuz that’s all I can really do.
The video got me hype. Hearing people talk passionately about their work has always been something I find pretty infectious, and while maybe I’m being a little naive, it definitely seemed genuine on the part of the showcased devs. I know a lot of people are cynical and upset and I’m not saying that’s right or wrong, but just to me personally I can’t get behind some of the more snarky and sarcastic memes after seeing that nice lady in the Blizzard Pride shirt talk about the new patch with her eyes lighting up.
But as I thought about it, it’s not enough to bring me back. I pictured myself running around Zerath Mortis (which I do agree doesn’t look alien enough) and I just didn’t think its enough for me to care about. Obviously we need to expand the lore and see new locales sometimes, but who am I here with? Why do I care? I still don’t even know what Zovaal wants or what he’s even like as a person. Do I really want to hang out with Sylvanas? With Jaina and Thrall who don’t even seem to remember me or feel anything toward me after teaming up half a dozen times?
Saving Anduin from the Jailer is almost enough to bring me back. Almost. But then I imagined myself getting raid ready… I haven’t played since 9.0. I’m not sure if I need new legendaries or not, or if I even wanna play Shaman, which means lots of Torghast and farming gold to make new leggos. Or buying a WoW token, because swiping your credit card is gameplay now.
So I’m not coming back to the game. I want to want to, if that makes sense. But I just don’t. 9.2 has some exciting concepts and ideas. Hopefully 10.0 can build on that even more.
Man that’s alot of nothing. Ok, i’m going to try to be fair about it. I guess the little dudes and the sounds and language they put in are kind of nice? they look alright. the zone itself is… eh. ‘Alien-like zone taken from irl to make a weird and strange place’. Maybe because Ive seen some realy weird but it seems kind of… ordinary? I need some one else’s opinion here, Maybe I should be less lazy and actually read the rest of the replies but my eyes keep glazing over from being so underwhelmed.
You could say… that you made a forest out of that jade? Ayye… aaayyye? ok ill show myself out.
Some terms make me roll my eyes but regardless it’s not about not being allowed to have any criticism, it’s about all that is talked about in reference to wow is negative; I don’t get it
After watching the video I wish I could see the game the way the developers do. To me there seems to be a disconnect between their vision/intent and the reality of the game that many of us experience. The new zone looks good. However, as Enekie pointed out, it’s basically Bastion. Bastion with an orb theme really. But I hear the developers talk and a part of me wants to buy into it. I really want it to be as good as they seem to think it is. Then I hear " …after a time the player will…" and just tune out. In other words, everything interesting will either be time-gated or you will have to grind it out until all interest is sucked out it. One of the reasons I unsubbed.
I like the tier sets and class sets, from what I saw of them. Class identity is one thing I would like see return. But all in all, it’s just not enough to get me to resub.
It’s either a severe disconnect padded with a hefty serving of delusion or just pure smoke and mirrors.
Does Danuser really believe he’s writing the final chapter of a book that started with WC3 – that he swooped in and tied a ribbon on 20+ years of disconnected nonsense?
OR does he know they wrote themselves into a corner where they had to explain the origin of reality itself on the shoulders of two-dimensional characters traipsing across a narrative structure made of Swiss cheese and farts
Most importantly to me: will 10.0 have a new class? How soon is too soon to retcon this ‘first book of Warcraft’? Why isn’t Sylvanas wearing Ugg boots with her casual digs??
honestly, I thought it was neat to see all these things which will undoubtedly never be seen again after this since the exploration of the cosmic chart had started with such a thunderous dookie.
All fine and dandy, but I expect player housing + Tinkerer Class + Ogres and Hight Elves next expansion. Get on it Blizzard. Get to where the majority care to be.
High Elves are basically here. They just gotta throw Paladin onto Void elves (and I do think they will along with some other combos.)
We want Broken now. Or maybe some Furbolgs.
I’d say slot something like Broken and Ogres for one expac, then something like Birbs and Mogu for the next.
so bad it was so bad im so excited to see hoiw much of a trashfire it is
- syvlaas was “tricked”
- tier sets look samey and lame
- writing team continues to sniff their own farts
- ANOTHER rep-grind-research thing which is gating, idek at this point
- i bet this ends with sylvanas being redeemed which is absolutely hilarious considering how many times she’s crossed the moral event horizon
- this is going to be garbage
- i love it