9.2 Datamining has begun

I’m capable of quite a lot. You assume this because I don’t buy your argument of needing racists, sexists and homophobes to make good content.

As Doness pointed out, yes. We’re just talking about employees. :smiley:


you oversimplify a nuanced idea because you derive pleasure from wielding a pitchfork. thinking like yours has made discourse tiresome and storytelling neutered.

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Ok, please explain the nuance in “we need to not be mean to the racists, sexists and homophobes, because the game is bad when they leave”.


boundaries. freedom of thought. these should be divorced from your work performance. you criticize people’s personal beliefs and use that as reason to bar them from the workplace. ironically, you do so in the name of inclusivity and diversity. and who decides who is racist, sexist, or homophobic? conveniently, you.

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Oh, so…

It’s fine to sexually harass your coworkers, discriminate against them based on their race and sexuality, because it’d affect your own work performance if you couldn’t be terrible to people.

So I didn’t oversimplify anything at all. Got it!!


in terms of actual crimes being committed, it should be investigated by the people whose job it is. otherwise, if you mandate that others must be forced to swallow your eccentricities then you should be accommodating for others’ as well.

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So sexual harassment, homophobia and racism are just… “eccentricities”.

You say quite a lot of things without meaning to.


look how you’ve jumped from “being sexist” to “committing sexual harassment.” your agenda is outrage and it’s boring.

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But they have committed sexual harassment. There’s actual evidence. Afrasiabi got thrown out because of it.

I’m not bored. I find it amazing that you’re out here actually stating the game would be better if we just kept allowing the devs to abuse the people around them however we want. I’m utterly fascinated. Few people with your beliefs will express them so openly.


every court case involves evidence, it’s not your job to be judge jury and executioner. my point remains unchanged. in my opinion you and your ilk are seeking to punish others for thoughtcrime, which deters free thinking humans from contributing to any associated project.

I have not executed a single developer! I resent that implication, sir!

Which one? Again, you’ve changed it quite frequently.

I’m going to assume the point that remains unchanged is that the games we play are made better when the developers are free to be sexist, racist and homophobic towards their fellow employees. You keep defaulting to that one, so it seems closer to your views.


correct, being racist, sexist or homophobic should not bar you from employment. that would be punishing thoughtcrime.

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Ok. Good. You’re finally committing to the idea that treating people badly is acceptable.

Thank you. It’s nice that you’re open about such beliefs. Now going forward, we all know your views and can treat your statements accordingly.


holding personal beliefs does not necessarily cause you to act a certain way. plenty of people hold beliefs that they themselves are morally superior and correct, righteous, imbued with a god given purpose, on a crusade. their actions may not reflect that from outside perspectives. however, i think talent should be of the utmost importance when designing something like a videogame. if people happen to have differing opinions on social issues, that should not bar them from collaborating on a project that has nothing to do with said issues.

Right. And if some women get sexually harassed until they commit suicide? NBD. You just confirmed that you believe


I’m finding the extent they’re building out a fate system grating. It’s going to leaves us getting to another super-bad who was supposedly pulling the strings too.


you seem to think that all the ills in the world are caused by racism, sexism and homophobia. i consider that myopic.

You seem to think we need racism, sexism and homophobia acted out in the workplace to create good games.

I consider that insanity born out of a need to possibly justify your own poor behavior, and that you feel persecuted for perpetuating such beliefs and feelings on others, giving you a seeming “justification” for such a defense.


i definitely don’t think it’s a necessity. it’s a thing that exists and doesn’t necessarily make someone incapable of doing their job well. there are many, many eccentric and obtuse beliefs in people’s heads, for various reasons.

Honestly, at this point I don’t think I need to say anymore. You’ve said enough for me.

Thank you.