9.2 Datamining has begun

the gist is rather that talented people dont necessarily jive with your social causes.

Racism, sexual harassment, homophobia; all the hallmarks of true creative genius.

Again, A+ logic from you.


The community hates me.

They don’t.

again, who cares if someone is racist, sexist, homophobic, blah blah blah? people can be extremely gifted and interesting and not agree with you. unless that’s the foundation of their character, in which case it’d get pretty repetitive - kinda like half the people who post on this forum. and just for an example, h.p. lovecraft.

also, it’s not even about whether they actually ARE those labels you give them. you simply perceive them that way, and make it your goal to convince others that they are. without any trial, just condemnation.

So in other words, you’re mad that people who are racist, sexist, and homophobic as shown in the actual legal documents and lawsuit filed against them along with a wealth of evidence supporting those allegations, are being demonized for just being racist, sexist and homophobic, because we should look past their racism, sexism and homophobia.

That’s a very bold admission.


Paid attention to what? A red ball? That could mean anything. From N’zoths nightmare corruption to Anima in Revendreth. Just because something is red does not mean it has to be Argus. Also it is funny how you had to put that in capitals. Seems you have a superiority complex.

My main problem other than contradicting what was established in Legion when it came to using up a souls “essence” or “power” as seen via the soul engines is how completely lucky the Jailer has been with his schemes. A lot of it comes down to pure blind luck instead of ensuring that each outcome is to his benefit. The great manipulators use losses on their sides to their advantages. You don’t have to win every battle to win a war after all. However it comes problematic when the events leading to the desired outcome comes down to character decisions that the manipulator has no control over. I mean what would the plan be if Velen never chased Kil’jaeden through the portal? We would have never gone to Argus to kill Argus. And this is the fundamental problem by forcing in a character that is “behind everything and I mean everything” into a narrative that worked fine without them.

We are shown in ABT that titan souls don’t go to the Shadowlands, nor the veil. Given that Aggramar instantly revives upon reaching the seat of the Pantheon and he was just defeated on Argus. Reverting to his World Soul state upon his defeat. Honestly it does scream like, “this is cool, therefore we should do it. Screw plot holes and inconsistencies”. And as I mentioned elsewhere, the World soul chamber housing Argus was only exclusive to those who were part of Sargeras’ inner council. Which basically included Aggramar upon his conversion. The Coven and most likely Kil’jaeden and Archimonde. Hell if we want to skip right to there we need to get several (4) keys to bypass the defenses we would’ve disabled by doing the raid proper. So how did the Jailers agents manage to slip through? It would be like a cult of the damned member getting into the Argent Crusade. Even though each member got vetted by Tirion Fordring personally.

The rest remains though. How did the Dreadlords get in to tamper with Argus? Just saying they did doesn’t explain anything. It leaves a plot hole in the story.


im not mad. whatever these people did or thought in their private lives isn’t my business. i also just dont think witch hunting people for this sort of thing is conducive to getting anything of meaning done.

Oh, you’re just here to defend racism, sexism and homophobia.

Got it. Thank you for clarifying.


again, i don’t care what you call me because your opinion on anything is completely uninformed. but i am pointing out potential reasons why the game gets worse and worse, because effort is being funnelled in the wrong directions. kinda like anima in the game universe. lol.

But I haven’t called you anything.

I’m just making sure I understand your position. That sexism, racism and homophobia are no big deal, and by removing racists, sexists and homophobes from the company, the game has suffered.


not really, i’m saying pitchforks and witchhunts might make you feel better (in a perverse way) but not much else.

You really need to think through your stances, because it has changed a lot in a very short time.


my stance hasn’t changed. your understanding of it has.

I mean, first you claimed that the real geniuses are the racists, sexists and homophobes, and we need them for a good game.

Then you said demonizing people who are sexists, racists and homophobes is bad, because they have feelings too, and their feelings are super important.

Then you said you’re not here to judge proven racists, sexists and homophobes, just to defend them for having those beliefs, because they have made the game better.

Now you’re saying that nothing matters at all.

You have definitely been changing your stance. It’s like every time you realize how bad your statements read, you feel obligated to change them.


correlation isn’t causation. i’m saying don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. if all you care about is social justice, your videogames will become propaganda machines instead of adventures into a new world.

Aaaand we’re back to “we need racists, sexists and homophobes!! They make the games better!!”

Your stance has changed again. It is all very circular. You don’t seem to have any convictions that you are willing to stand behind for more than a few minutes.


you’re only capable of outrage, and that’s boring.

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This a double edged sword. In one case it would make a bit of sense if there was a long drawn out conflict between two or more “races”. Constant war would lead to an “us vs them” outlook. Which works well in Warcraft when it comes to Humans and Orcs. I mean we had Humans refer to orcs as “green skins” while we had orcs refer to humans as “pink skins”. Usually these characters are used to tell the audience NOT to be like them. That old hatreds and toxic idealogy created by war is a bad thing. I mean the whole Founding of Durotar storyline from WC3: TFT is all about that. Daelin and his forces attack the Darkspear simply because

  1. They are trolls
  2. They are with the orcs

The Darkspear were not involved in the first or second wars but they are just as guilty because they are now friends with the Orcs. According to Daelin and his forces.

On the hand people can see these characters as “cool” because they rattle up people and the whole PC movement. There is a reason why characters like Garithos are seen as “heroes” to certain people.


She’s talking about Blizzard employees, though.


That makes a bit more sense.

Bigots in general can go away imo. If you have nothing nice to say, don’t say it.