9.2 Datamining has begun

any time m8.

Or don’t be any of those?


There is nothing wrong with Fantasy racism. Races hating each other is what makes the setting interesting. Or do you think Warhammer would even be half as popular if all races suddenly started to sing kumbaya together? No. It is the constant warring against each other which makes us engage with the game.


as long as the racism stay ingame/in the lore i have no problem with this…but if its start to influence the real world, then we have a problem.

Well, in theory, it would depend how and when it manifests itself.

I have no doubt there are people with those feelings you listed who just keep that stuff to themselves. However, once it exits the realm of “thought” and actually manifests itself, that is another story.

Activision removed a few people, agreed to a settlement, and set up a victims fund. So we are not talking about “thoughts”. We are talking about awful actions stemming from an ethos that permeates the game, and how that effects the game.

I disagree. People should collaborate with who ever they wish. Some attitudes can be awful for collaboration

If I were a Female African American, and the lead Dev is cosplaying with that new white, pointy Warlock Tier Helm… telling me his fantasy world only includes Humans who are white… that shuts down any story or lore about people of color.

Then, when that lead Dev is removed, and those stories about people of color are finally included, some complainers say it is “forced”. Even though the exclusion of those stories was just as much a choice, as well.


Alright, I’ll be the one to say it. How about we don’t with the fantasy racism?

No fantasy racism isn’t better for the story and I think it’s very telling when someone thinks it is.


https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2021-11-20-games-workshop-reminds-fans-warhammer-40ks-imperium-of-man-are-the-bad-guys-after-a-player-wore-n@zi-imagery-to-a-tournament (gotta change the @ in the link)

Great example.


Why do you think it’s telling ? In a setting like Warcraft seems reasonable to expect it given the damage certain races have done to others, at the very least humans should have a fair amount of racists towards the orcs.


…and we have the MHP opinion.

Kidding aside - the racial issues in a fantasy setting can be an interesting part of the narrative. The problem seems to come when IRL racial biases hamstring the lore, and are pervasive. When IRL racial biases seep into stories and portrayals. Instead of the stories standing on their own in the lore.

Garithos was a good example of racial hatreds giving the narrative some memorable moments. Garrosh had his racial supremacy shtick, and that was popular with a segment of the fan base. Maybe because those two examples are pretty steeped in the lore, and not as comparable to IRL biases as, say, a male of pale skin teaching a primitive to read and write.


Racism in fantasy is bad if people starting agreeing with it, maybe because the story convinces them to.


This is another comment from the guy I was responding to:

The kingdoms of the alliance take pride in their civlisation. Because unlike the Horde savages they built actual good cities instead of tents and huts or barracks with spikes.

I can’t imagine why I would think it’s telling that the guy championing “in game racism is good actually” also posts this kind of nonsense on the regular.


Well, this thread turned into a lot of yikes.


Seems they just hate the Horde, happens in fictional works.

MHP ? Just that the humans have a fair amount to hate the Orcs for. I guess NE are running a close second there too, heh.

But yeah, racism in a setting is fine with me as it does reflect reality - people hang on to things longer than needed.

My first reaction to Zekhan being illiterate was not surprise as he’s always struck me as an idiotic FNG type, heh.


Did we expect anything less?

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You guys need to stop feeding people negative attention.


That new pet tho, is pretty adorable. Made Blizz stock go up 1.54%


The Dragon Bundle they have going on has me like 80% convinced the Dragon Isles will be the next expansion. The other 20% is present because Blizzard has thrown the unexpected like WoD.

Now since they’ve had expansions flow into one another, I’m guessing Zovaal’s attacks on Azeroth will either reveal the Dragon Isles or they will be the key to saving Azeroth from her wounds from him.

Perhaps the epilogue of Shadowlands will have one of the living dragons make an appearance or Ysera directing in some manner.


Having a Trollbane say greenskins is fine.

Having a person say goblins do blood libel with their children is not.

Fantasy racism does not live in a vacuum. I don’t want fun RP to backfire into hate irl.


What is blood libel?

Blood libel is an antisemitic accusation that Jews ritually sacrifice children for religious purposes, particularly Christian ones. Sadly, to this day it is something that continues to crop up.