9.2 Datamining has begun

I think the problem is that it’s more “It was the Jailer all along!” Concerning the state that Argus was in which is really not helping the story at all.


Fate trap, yay.

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Not to mention that his soul was used to imprison Sargeras. it is even shown in the cinematic where that happens.

But I guess we should’ve learnt from WoD that cinematics mean nothing.

Because it contradicts the whole point of ABT. It was stated numerous times what the plan was. After you defeat Aggramar, Magni says that the Pantheon will use the Soul of Argus to imprison Sargeras. Which happens IN THE CINEMATIC AFTER THE FIGHT with Argus. You can even see his soul in that cinematic. I have linked a still of it on these forums before.

It is honestly funny seeing certain people are 100% fine with retcons as long as those retcons make them “correct” in their theories. What ever happened to wanting consistency?



Never heard of her :nail_care:


It has the same vibe as this.


The robe has a spot where you can see Pelagos’ chest. Is it too tight? Is that how robes look usually on men? I never noticed.

You quoted me, so perhaps you are meaning me. Well, I am not explicitly against Retcons. I am fine with them if they expand the lore and give room for growth. The Draenei are the prime example. I am a big fan of the Draenei that came in BC and onwards. Were they a retcon? Sure. But it is a good one. And the Draenei Retcon has expanded the lore exponentially, to the point that we are discussing the world soul of the planet they fled. This whole Argus discussion stems from a retcon, after all.

But as far as this Arbiter business, I don’t think the Argus stuff even applies as a Retcon. Various people WHO PAID ATTENTION saw it coming.

There is talk of an “unseen” victory when we defeat him. There are demons on Argus who express fear about the Legions defeat, because of greater evils. Sylvanas waxes poetic about the “power of unmaking” in “Shadows Rising” and Argus happened to be the Unmaker. There was a lot there.


I am ok also. Argus was unique, soulless and not exactly titan. They can go whatever way they like about what happened after his death. They have reference it in Ogmot’s jurnal.

Zovaal: Can your mortal minds fathom…
Zovaal: how long I have waited?
Zovaal: Every event set in motion?
Zovaal: Every pawn put into play.

I heard it, I saw the text on wowhead, and now this is running in my head.

Blizzard: Can our fans fathom…
Blizzard: how grand…
Blizzard: every event in motion…
Blizzard: was put into play for this story.

I’m currently rationalizing it as the titans using Argus’ soul to start the imprisonment process of Sargeras, them then finishing it with their own powers, and Argus’ soul then passing on. However I am drawing a blank on how it would then go on to the Arbiter.

I just can’t see Argus entering the Shadowlands on his own and even if the titans couldn’t react to someone arriving to direct the soul because of their focus, then Illidan could have stepped in to prevent it. Unless none of them could see it or Argus’ soul was taken on it’s way to where Titans go when they die.

It does not appear to of been all of Argus, hence it was the “Echo of Argus” not “Argus’ Soul”. Most of his power/essence got used up hoovering up and binding Sargeras, what was left of him went tumbling into the Shadowlands and fried the Arbiter due to whatever the Dreadlords did to him as a worldsoul.

When we severed the soul conduits he was linked to he faded away, so until they tell me otherwise I am going to imagine we cut the chains that bound him to the shadowlands and his echo went back to the plane of Order to get its REALLY WELL DESERVED rest.


Argus’s Soul like the rest would go to the Veil which is where Kyrian are found as well as Valkyr working for Helya.

Kyrian are the ones who return Souls to the designated Cosmic Realm they are most connected to.

They are the ones who return Demons to the Twisting Nether, Naaru to the Light, Fire Elementals to the Firelands(which along with the other Elemental Planes are Pocket Universes) and Liches to their Phylacteries(which as shown in Sanctum of Domination are Pocket Universes).

Tethers to other Realms allow one to survive their Bodies’ demise outside said Realm upon which the Kyrian analyze which Cosmic Realm or Pocket Universe the Soul is tethered to and take it there.

This is why Demons die permanently where the Twisting Nether bleeds into Reality(like Netherstorm) since they are technically in the Realm they are tethered to.

Mardum is a Pocket Universe called the Plane of Banishment but none of the Demons are tethered there thus they come back every time they are killed there despite the Plane being in the Twisting Nether.

This means a Lich’s Phylactery is simply a Necromancer taking advantage of the benefits of tethering oneself to a Pocket Universe in order to cheat death!

it was an issue back when the game was good and the writing was decent

what a tacky thing to be a stick in the mud about.

It was still an issue very recently, and if you’re trying to say homophobia at Blizzard is what made the game good in the past, that’s bad and homophobic.

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depends, is blizz a company that makes compelling videogames or a PR factory generating subversive social justice propaganda?

They aren’t either. They are just a bad company, that uses manipulative game design practices, fosters toxic communities, and has a terrible workplace.


wow, and this coming from someone with that much time invested into the game and community. i figured you’d be okay with a dogwater game as long as the developers shared your opinions on social issues.

You are trying very hard.


it is what it is

I especially liked when you implied good games can only come with homophobia. A+ effort there!