9.2 Datamining has begun

As dumb as it was it was an excuse for another Scourge based expansion and now it just another wasted potential not to mention just another mark on how inconsitent and frustrating the story is.

Heck at this point “there must always be a Lich King” is a fairly iconic line that apperently meant nothing.


It was a chekhov’s gun for this expansion. I think the same will happen for next expansion in regards to the Age of Mortals. We’ll probably have to help the dragons get their full powers back due to the consequences of whatever happens at the end of the raid.

Omg that Incubus voice. “Hello Daddy!”

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Considering Danuser loved GoT s8 I wouldn’t be surprised if the scouge just randomly all died after killing the Jailer.


They are doing this, aren’t they.

  • cries *
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That’s possible, though its equally possible for the Scourge to gain free will and the Forsaken gaining new recruits.


Oh man imagine being able to play friendly ghouls, that would be wholesome actually.

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I loved back when the DK brez turned the person into a ghoul instead of reviving them so I am all for playable ghouls, even if they’re just a joke.


One time in middle school we were doing super saturated solutions

Mine started crystalizing so I just let it crystalize more and walked away

When I came back, the water had entirely evaporated and my test tube had a pillar of salt inside it, that was somehow cold

My chemistry teacher, who was a whole PhD in biochemistry, was incredibly confused and did not understand what just happened

In brief

This game is my test tube


full of salt? yea, I can see the parallels

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Look at you, criticizing the story. I’m proud of you.


You do realize I have done this before right? Mostlt in Cata/Mists. WoD was abit hit or miss(there was barely anything there so not much to complain about)and Legion for me was pretty good so I didnt have much of a complaint then.

I was willing to give the benefit of the doubt for BfA expecting they would be using it to actually push WoW somewhere interesting. And even then I had many own complain(again about Sylvanas)

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“Off a cliff, into flaming wreckage” is interesting in it’s own way, but probably not the sort of interesting we were all hoping for.


If there was something worth getting burned for than maybe

I’ll be super disappointed if this happens. Or if it’s mentioned in passing that the Scourge onslaught was entirely defeated off Screen.

I’m still seeing people referencing that wrong transcription and interpretation, now mixing it with the new cinematic and understandably being very confused about what’s going on.

I watched a streamer play through the new campaign chapters, and I must say that I’m pleased that several of my concerns that I had in regards to resisting Domination magic based on various developer statements have been alleviated. We still don’t know exactly what happens at the end of Anduin’s raid fight, and there is a placeholder there for a cinematic, but the quests themselves are promising in my opinion. Remember the 9.2 preview and press interviews a few weeks ago, and all the discourse over the idea that Anduin would know best how to resist Domination magic, and not the Primus, or Bolvar, or Darion, or Sylvanas, or any other former Scourge? That’s thankfully all addressed in these quests.


That is the point of “news” sites slipping in opinion pieces in what are meant to be purely factual reporting without announcing that it is an opinion. Sometimes they do it AFTER the title / opening sentence since they know most people will not read past those. The whole point is to spread outrage since it will generate more clicks. More clicks = more ad money. And they will continue to say they were correct until such a time that it is no longer in the media cycle. Then they can say, “oops we were wrong about X that happened like 2-3 months ago” hoping no-one will notice. Sometimes they run opinion pieces on the front page of their news sites / news papers. There is an infamous front page on a news corp newspaper back in 2013 saying “Australia needs TONY!!!”.

News Corp does it all the time in the UK, Australia and the US. Even more so when it is election season. They will announce that the “left wing” party is going to do X and it will damage the economy by Y amount. After the election they will publish “corrections” that say they got it wrong. Just in time for the “right wing” parties to bring in that exact policy but with their spin on it.

Sometimes news corp will run attacks and attacks on policies that will benefit everyone such as the NBN here in Australia. All because they will actually hurt Murdochs bottom line. Can’t let aussies have extremely fast internet for those evil streaming services… until I invest in streaming services and it is up and running (which is what actually happened). Now News Corp is promoting renewables because it is in Murdochs wallets interests to do so. Even though Kevin Rudd wanted to invest Australia into renewables back in 2007. Australia could’ve been the leading country in both internet AND renewables but because people are gullible to believe Murdochs 24/7 lies we have neither.


I understand that, and I’ve been a bit wary for a while of Wowhead’s analysis of story stuff as well as their highlights/summaries of interviews done elsewhere, since they editorialize quite a bit. I’ve found that I often don’t agree with their assessment, and I prefer to get as close as possible to the original source on any story or interview news before making my own conclusions, so their mixing of opinion with fact tends to get in my way. That’s one of the reasons I sought out a stream of someone playing through these most recent campaign chapters, rather than just reading their summary. However, this is the first time that I’ve noticed them getting a basic audio transcription so wrong in such a critical way, and they never corrected that first article, even after the mistake was pointed out to them multiple times in the comments. We’re all already anxious and wary enough of how upcoming story is going to play out, we don’t need to add into the mix a popular and fairly respected fansite failing to correct blatant errors in their reporting. We had almost a whole week of people thinking that Sylvanas was claiming to have been mind-controlled for all her recent crimes and that there was going to be some sort of discussion about the possibility of her forgiving Arthas, and all of that was from Wowhead forming an opinion based on their own flawed transcription and presenting it as fact. None of that was in the actual audio they found in data mining.

Also, I agree with everything you said about News Corp. Ugh.


Still nothing for the Night Elf Souls… this is the only positive thing that could’ve happened to the Night Elves in this expansion and yet we’re denied their freedom from the maw…

I’m still holding out hope that Arthas gets the good ending he deserves given that he is in the same “soul fracture” boat as Sylvanas yet she’s the one getting her stuff resolved.

The final 9.2 story chapter is titled “Judgement” and it’d be very unfair if it’s only about Sylvanas and completely leaves out Arthas finally getting properly judged too.

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