9.2 Datamining has begun

how much of Arthas even remains? He may be reduced to a hollowed out shade after Zovaal got done with him.

LK 1.0 didn’t fair very well in the Maw, so I am dubious of 2.0 doing any better.


I suppose it depends on the nature of his soul.

Sylvanas had 2 independent fragments, as well as Uther.

I would assume the fragment within Kingsmourne is the Lich King version of Arthas while the “Prince Arthas” fragment is elsewhere trapped in eternal torment like Ranger General Sylvanas was.

I’m not going to read this past the first sentence, but I appreciate you putting effort into your troll attempts


I became aware of WoWhead’s bias with this patch. It’s given me some disdain for Perculia.

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Jeez, this is a very depressing thing to read, and just to think Forsaken had it ten times worst by being imprisoned in their own flesh, failed to destroy reality = prison. :frowning:

My theory of Blood Elves prioritizing repainting Silvermoon City from blue to red over clearing out the scourge was confirmed from the new Sylvanas cinematic!


:crazy_face: :crazy_face:


they just did a asset recolor for a cinematic. Its an attention to detail. doesn’t mean we are getting a world revamp lol. But I admire your optimism.

Something something a bunch of shiny new stormwind houses have been datamined recently. So who knows. One can dream.

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I’m not familiar enough with all the various contributors at Wowhead to have observed any specific bias with any one individual, and I don’t hold any particular disdain for any of them. I just with that they would be more vigilant about not posting inaccurate information and do a better job distinguishing between facts and interpretation or opinion in their articles. The transcription errors bother me in particular because of how much grief resulted from them here on the forums. I pointed out the errors and posted a corrected transcript myself in a few threads over the last week, and every time I did so the temperature of the discourse in the relevant thread went down, but I shouldn’t have had to do that.

Can we blame/credit Rommath for this? I’m thinking yes.


Home boy was just itching for a reason to paint the city red. Dude has a color bias.


Definitely. Dude didn’t get full sleeve red runic tattoos for no reason, you know?


She lookin for my man Blightcaller!! She lookin for my man Blightcaller!!

I’m winning!!

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Time to dust this off and… well…

Behold Arbiter Peligos. They kind of… stuffed him in an arbiter dress. I dunno what I was expecting but I do not think this was it.


what did you cry when bolvar was just the lich king helm and some burned pants


That isn’t Calia?

Pelarbiter looks like a new Calia model. I do not like.

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…That looks kinda creepy


This isn’t real, silly. :slight_smile:

We lost to N’zoth, Reality was tainted by the void.

Zovaal is trying to undo that mess, which the other Titans of Death believe is the “First One’s Plans”

Zovaal is a good guy, he’s attacking a CORRUPTED Azeroth.

Once we realize Zovaal was right, he’ll remake Reality before the corrupted Old Gods and go back to being the Arbiter…


:sob: :sob: :sob:


It was a good try. 150% better than the actual story.


Chapters 6 and 7 are available on the PTR now. I’m stuck on chapter 3 due to a bug.