9.2 Datamining has begun

We dont even know how that interacts with being split in half. I am not sure they remembered they said that.

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That posit of a soul doesn’t work with much, but it’s the one given so far, and it is a way to figure out how a split soul could even happen.

So the helm of domination was used to create the Crown of Wills, and confirmed Sylvanas was talking about Arthas.

Because obviously she was.


I am very happy with this new cinematic, I knew there was hope.

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The new crown doesn’t look very good.


I will admit some smug satisfaction on my part that I was proven right: all that dialogue in that first cutscene was one set, and only Wowhead’s transcription error made it seem like it was two.

If using the Helm of Domination to create the Crown of Wills means we don’t have to worry about installing a new Lich King or Queen at the end of the expansion, I’m happy with that.


Dear goddess the new animation is creepy. Like, some drunken eastern European take at amine after way too much to drink.

She should feel bad, for not visiting the discord(s) more often!

her head is too big for the body they stuck it on. She looks like a bobble head. I guess they needed to enlarge it so the animations could work. Good animations though.

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And there we are.


I loved that Baine was the one to tell Uther that they should just leave Sylvanas to her fate. He’s just so done with her, and it’s a mood many share. I’m also conflicted on Uther having a not so different feeling in regards to Sylvanas, I mean I get it’s because he’s more focused on compassion but he had a lesser role (recruiting Kyrian to the Forsworn) compared to Sylvanas (serving as the second in command to the Jailer).

And I have to admit that considering how everyone seems to know one another, it was a nice for Blizzard to acknowledge how neither Sylvanas or Uther had met before.

So it seems unlike with Uther where it was more of a fragment memory thing, Blizzard is going with full soul split in regards to Sylvanas. However in her case they are treating as Zovaal intentionally making it an even split from life and death, instead of just playing fast and loose with the whole soul split thing they’ve got going.


The Warlock Tier Set helm was changed… barely.


A simple change but much better.


sometimes it does not take a lot of change to completely alter the look. That change makes me not feel like they are going to go set up burning crosses now.


https://www.wowhead.com/item=186642/vengeances-reins already states that the Darkness in her Soul grew to fill in the Void.

Uther simply got a surface chunk removed without exposing the Darkness while Sylvanas was wounded so deeply the Darkness was exposed to the wound and thus was allowed to grow.

Arthas was continually carved leaving only a Maw Shade with it’s own freedom. Not even Darkness exists within Arthas the Lich King!

Maw Shades are quite capable of Free Will as shown by the ones who willingly joined the Maldraxxi at Perdition Hold during the Maldraxxi Assault. This explains why Arthas defied the Jailer and Ner’zhul.

Zovaal has the Mawsworn break Souls down into multiple Maw Shades and those of value are shoved into Suits of Armor and join the Mawsworn while those too uncontrollable are beaten until they become the surrounding area(like Yero the Skittish’s son Moraa) watching the realm around them grow or(if deemed too talkatively annoying even before the breaking down) fed to the hounds(just to shut them up).

You know something I’m curious about is how the Banshee loyalists, which included the likes of Dark Ranger Lenara, could be used going forward in the story. Depending on how 9.2 plays out, Sylvanas could get Thrall or Baine to make an offer and proof of her word to help the loyalists rejoin the Horde. Which would be an easy option and helps Blizzard from deciding which characters stayed or left the Horde. Alternatively Blizzard could use them as a villain faction and be an example of Sylvanas’ villainous legacy, while having the Forsaken be the more positive legacy or something.

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Sylvanas is searching for Nathanos.

Anduin is hopeful.

Bolvar discusses things with Taelia.

The Incubus has a wonderful voice.


I really like that Bolvar and Taelia bit. Much better than the bit between them at the beginning of Shadowlands.

Also it sounds like Sylvanas is going to be behind the scenes for an expansion or two looking for Nathanos.


Also, we have the Helm of Domination questline.


It’s really not what I was expecting. I don’t think it matches very well.