9.2 Datamining has begun

Yea… you can not tell much from a single line. You will have a more compelling case when you can show the entire conversation it is from, instead of a single cherry picked line you can construe into whatever you want.

So lets assume the best and she is addressing you the player rather than Sylvanas.
Honestly it would be weird to have that as a throw away dialogue rather than a cinematic.

Do you feel like you made amends for your terrible life choices Alynsa?

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I was unsubbed during the BfA pre-patch, so I had nothing at all to do with the WoT. I refuse to take any responsibility for that one!

I did use chemical weapons at the Undercity against Alliance soldiers… I guess I justify that one with “they killed me first because I ran around the scenario sightseeing”.

And okay, there were all those attacks against the Kul Tirans, but at the time they weren’t even with the Alliance yet!

… There was that time I killed a monk healer trying to just save lives. I uh… Well, that just sort of happened.

And okay, yes, sure, the Derek thing was kinda suss. I did end up bringing Jaina’s undead brother to her, and that was all it took for Baine to be forgiven even though I did all the work. I’m calling that karmic debt paid since he gets to.

… I, uhh… I know I did other things. There were probably reasons.

But!! But, but, but, but!!!

I did help Shandris find her mom, I did save a bunch of night elf souls who, it is important to remind everyone, I had no hand in their deaths at all!!

… I’m still going to Revendreth, aren’t I?


The maw actually. And we are throwing away the key.

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Oh, whew. I was worried for a second there. The Maw’s not a problem. I escape that place all the time. I’m like the Houdini of the Maw. I’m canonically the motherloving Maw Walker. Every NPC keeps telling me that five times a minute, so it must be true.

Revendreth? Terrifying. Nightmare nosferatu elves all over the place, trying to make me play discount court politics? No thank you evil!!

But chilling with Venari, climbing chains, taking breaks to hang out in Oldbobos? That ain’t too bad!


The Maw became less threatening once we chased away Odyn’s Eye.

Once the Maw is locked up Ve’nari and the Attendants will be the only sentient company you and the Souls will have.

Of course I expect you and Ve’nari will take over the place for yourselves… With your level of fame it’s inevitable!


See, this is sounding more and more good for me, bad for the universe.

Me, Winter’s Envoy Alynsa, the Maw Walker, the Champion of Azeroth, the Avenger of Hyjal, the Bane of the Fallen King, the Huntmaster, the Storm’s End, the Starcaller, the Veteran of the Fourth War, the Twilight Vanquisher, the Fabulous Kingslayer, the Savage Hero, the Crazy Cat Lady Alynsa.

“Locked up” with my very own tower, an army of leaderless Mawsworn who will no doubt become my army within 2, 4 or 6 years, and no adult supervision?? And only my own obsessions to entertain me???

Coming Soon
World of Warcraft: Rage of the Fisherelf

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I just want to get out of this expansion and find out it was all a bad dream. I want to wake back up in gilneas again and start from cata with a different story

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Image awakening up from that dream and hearing reports of the Horde reforming under Thrall, along with rumors of a plague.


Just a heads up, looks like we’re getting a new PTR build today. Wowhead’s streaming their datamining right now.

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Sylvanas’ other half is horrified at what she did. She says her crimes were unforgiveable.

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Sylvanas’s high elf model’s face looks more like a human face than an elf face. It bothers me.

Otherwise, I’m utterly ambivalent.


Wow, really wasn’t expecting a full cinematic before patch launch, never mind one that long. I’m going to have to re-watch that one a few more times to figure out how I feel about it. That said, I’m really impressed with how detailed the animation has been getting with these. Well done to the cinematics team once again!

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LOL, who remembers them saying it didn’t just split into good/bad halves?

Good times, good times.

Guess the redeeming feature now is that they won’t remember their own stuff in a month, so it doesn’t really matter.


He said that her wound was deeper than his, so it could have done that, in her case.


Personally, I liked it. Bolvar only wanting her to wake up to stop the Jailer while Baine, Thrall, and Jaina are willing to let Anduin stay a puppet of the Jailer rather than help her in any way.

Hopefully, even if they pull redemption out of their behinds, their reaction to her means she won’t have a place in the Horde after this is all said and done.


it isnt good and bad sides.

The Ranger General fragment is her from the moment of her death, like a saved backup copy. The Banshee is her present self with the terrible, unforgivable crimes she had.

It is like meeting your future self and finding out you turn into Hitler.


But then we cross into special attention from fate; if she was split good/bad then culpability is changed. Someone making that choice is making a lot of future choices for her too.

This better have more development coming if that is their intent…

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Nope, Danuser’s crazy souls as a rope thing means that doesn’t work, there’s only one soul in WoW.