9.2 Datamining has begun

<---- “I will take your head banshee, just like I took his!” I too interpreted that as she was going to rip her head off, not strangle her (which we’ve established wouldn’t work anyway).

As for Sylvie…I think ‘banshee’ is just a title at this point since she’s not technically a banshee anymore. A banshee is a non-corporeal undead. Normal banshees body-hop with ease because they don’t have bodies of their own. Sylvanas reclaimed her original body so she’s a corporeal undead. When she jumped off ICC she obliterated her body on a saronite spike…destroying her body killed her.

If her body were to be destroyed now she’d be truly dead, aka an ordinary soul.


Setting WHAT right?..

The Night Elf Souls are obliterated and Sylvanas got away without facing justice… what was set right?

Edit: I just realized that she may be talking to Sylvanas, that would be even worse :face_vomiting:

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Annnnnd here we have Tyrande forgiving Sylvanas.
She causes the whole thing and gets thanked for it.

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Yea definitely seems like she’s talking to Sylvanas, and guess who predicted that too? That Tyrande would be forced to forgive Sylvanas…

Neither freeing Anduin nor defeating the Jailer would justify Tyrande thanking Sylvanas, what an absolute joke.


Maybe Sylvanas did the mass rez people talked about?
I don’t think just saving the souls from the maw to wherever they were supposed to go is enough. I don’t care what happens to the souls.

And this is why I debated you yesterday that this whole souls thing is detrimental to what you want. But here you are, you did not listen to me and you got this :slight_smile:

Nope, none of this has been datamined and the Night Elf souls are also obliterated.

Got what? The souls are still gone forever. Nothing in 9.2 is related to them, she is either refering to freeing Anduin, defeating the Jailer… or both. Both of those I couldn’t care less about.

Game seems to now say otherwise.

You see this is the big downside of being TOLD story versus being SHOWN story.
If they tell you something happened then they can tell you something else happened instead.

Seems like not anymore.
I told you that the souls thing was going to bite you on the A but you just didn’t listen.

Uh no, Sylvanas helps us to free Anduin and defeat the Jailer. Tyrande thanks her for that.

There’s nothing datamined regarding the Night Elf souls. They aren’t part of 9.2.

Guess we will see but if Tyrande forgives Sylvanas for saving Andiun it will be comedy gold.

Pretty much my thoughts, although nothing can confirm nor deny this is directed at her, and not the playable lawful good Tauren character.

After listening to the sound file, y’all are jumping the gun a bit here. Tyrande is talking to a member of the Horde, which could just as well be the Horde Night Fae player character (who, y’know, spent half their 9.0 covenant campaign helping to stablize her as well as making multiple trips to the Maw to rescue night elf souls specifically). They would qualify for a “never gonna trust you, but thanks for your efforts”.

If this is directed at Sylvanas, then clearly Sylvanas goes and does a thing that Tyrande, again, says “not gonna trust you in a whole forever, but thanks for doing a good finally”. This is still not forgiveness, just a thanks for doing a good.

I’m not saying you’re all wrong here, just pointing out there’s a lot of jumping the gun here.

Hell, maybe the “setting things right” bit is Sylvanas sacrificing her undeath-life during the Jailer fight to use this reality remaking McGuffin to undo BfA to now?


Not necessarily, the line makes just as much sense (well, “sense”) if she talks to Sylvanas. And who else would she be talking to? She only has that “confrontation” with Sylvanas.

But “setting things right” is a bold statement there, and even if Sylvanas ends up helping us free Anduin and defeat the Jailer… I don’t see how this sets anything right for the Night Elves.
We have things datamined and there is nothing regarding the Night Elf souls or anything that would suggest that anything was set right for Tyrande and her people, so her saying this so Sylvanas just because she helped us free Anduin and defeat the Jailer is such a massive slap in the face when the Night Elf souls are meanwhile just obliterated in the maw and the Night Elves can never recover from this.

What if she frees the rest of the souls as well?

She doesn’t. Many souls were already obliterated as of 9.0 (the Amalgam etc.) and we never freed the rest of the souls either.

The PTR is also live and we have datamining. There is nothing regarding the Night Elf Souls, at all. So it’s not happening in 9.2 and it’s the last patch of the expansion.

We don’t have the rest of the quests on the PTR. We don’t have all the dialogue either.


you know what? That is not a crazy idea… maybe Tyrande IS talking to the Horde player.

Tyrande: “I hate you but thanks for helping anyways”
Horde player: “yeah well I never liked you anyway! This was court ordered.”


Yea, but if there was anything related to the Night Elf souls we’d have atleast some strings or voice lines or anything regarding it.

There’s absolutely nothing.

This sounds like it is directed towards the Nightfae Horde Maw Walker PC, for risking their neck and participating in the saving of so many Kaldorei souls from the Maw.

I super seriously doubt this is directed at Sylvanas. People need to quit getting single lines of datamined audio and reading their worst fears/biases into it. You get yourselves worked up over nothing.


It’s currently my best case scenario. I don’t recall if Tyrande and the Horde NF PC interact after she’s stablized, but I do recall her having different voice lines depending on your faction (for obvious reasons). If these lines were directed at said HNFPC, it wouldn’t be too different from her interactions with Horde PCs in Val’sharah. “Hate your guys, but thanks for the help. Maybe you’re okay.” And likewise for Shandris in SL.

I mean, I won’t be surprised if these are Tyrande’s words to Nathanos after we loot his soul from Zovaal’s back pocket or something, given how poorly written things have been. But I’d rather hold out hope in vain that someone stepped in and decided to try and make some small measure of sense.


Ethriel is a doomsayer. She is projecting her personal biases over the worst possible outcomes. But all of it so far has been for naught. The night elves are doing fine. It is the Horde who needs the most help for being reworked on.