9.2 Datamining has begun

Well, if the Winter Queen was 3D-printed, so was Elune, her sister. She was just shipped over to another subsidiary company.


Oh, that’s not what I expected.


If this is real

which I doubt

but if it is

They’re just making things up in order to prove we can’t predict what they’re going to do

which is the same mistake Gossip Girl did when they changed the identity of Gossip Girl from Jenny to Dan


I’d take Pelagos over anyone else (OVER ANYONE ELSE!).

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I’d take Arbiter Pelagos over Arbiter Sylvanas


How about no Pelagos Arbiter

and we slap the Loom of Fate on top of Zereth Mortis and in-universe retcon us out of this black hole of a story



Loom of Fate from Wanted?

Arbiter Morgan Freeman?



Omg I cannot…

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All attacks from the direction the shield is facing are deflected.

Zovaal unmakes existence, killing everyone except him.

If only they would let in the new Arbiter all the “minor” characters of the Covenants - Pelagos, Snotmaker (or was his name the Dreamer?), Maliret and Theotar.

Arbiter Snotmaker, High Judge of the Cosmos

So do you think the Pantheon of Order are going to be robots… or were they replaced within the planes of order by their evil robot counter parts???

:scream: :scream: :scream:


Defeating a Anduin’s Despair restores $365228s1 energy to Anduin.

Restoring Anduin’s Hope grants Anduin $365217s1 energy.

Defeating Anduin’s Doubt grants Anduin $365217s1 energy.

I guess the point of piercing the veil was to get Azerite.

Does he have his own way of acquiring it or did it require Sargeras to stab the planet?

If so then boy did the jailer get lucky that we weren’t a few minutes faster or slower during the Argus the Unmaker fight


Surprise, Eonar was actually not Eonar all along, but her evil twist sister from the Pantheon of Chaos, the Succubus Queen Ranoe!!!

Aman’thul has been cheating on Eonar all along unknown to him!

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I guess the MoP callback is neat although I didn’t particularly care for Pandaria.

A substantial part of me likes seeing Anduin tortured


I think it will be Bolvar, that’s why Taelia’s here so at least now she knows why her father chose to serve as the Lich King. It will be a heroes sacrifice, and honestly, he deserves it.


New Wasp mount

So if the entire multiverse was ordered, that means Chaos is Order, because the pantheons and creation were made by Macro Titans (First Ones) who built the multiverse with robots? It is Turtles All The Way Down with each turtle being increasingly inbred and malformed.

What are we even playing at this point? We got a Super Lich King and now a Super Pantheon over all creation. Did someone watch Dragonball Super and think to themselves “Man, WoW needs this but it needs to be written dumber and less coherently!”?