9.2 Datamining has begun

They don’t get to keep their personality as per Kleia datamined voice lines.

Pelagos is saying his final goodbyes

Ergo us complaining about Bury Your Gays Trope earlier in the thread

It sucks :confused:

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So I’m guessing there’s nothing night elf related…

What a surprise…

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Zereth Mortis might actually be Azeroth after all.

lol “Aradne the first one” plz icyveins that’s one of the Valkyr

I maintain it’s more likely that sargeras’s sword was a mourneblade and her soul fragment is powering zereth mortis


“The Jailer will be sending some missiles at our favorite World Soul and we’ll have to stop them, as Azeroth will have her own health bar”

Oh that makes sense, they’ll probably make him aim for the last few night elf settlements that even exist or something like that

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How boring. And I thought they did my beloved Ner’zhul dirty, but at least he got to be his own encounter. Arthas is just an aspect of Anduin’s encounter, lol. I don’t think there’s a single development in this thread that I don’t hate.


Well at one point of the fight, Zovaal wins and unmakes reality

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Wait until the Tyrande forgiving Sylvanas gets datamined, since that is seemingly all night elf content that there will be in 9.2.

Almost as if I predicted it

At least I’ll have a few moments of peace from this train wreck of a storyline. Remember, a significant chunk of BfA was just to setup Shadowlands. This was the big, epic story they were sooo proud of. This is what was supposed to make all the frustration and unanswered questions of BfA’s story worth it. They thought this was going to be a crowning achievement. This bare bones, nearly non-existent story. The whole situation reminds me of a poem the Joker recited in Tim Burton’s Batman:

I’m only laughing on the outside / My smile is just skin deep / If you could see inside I’m really crying / You might join me for a weep.


On a related note, and not gonna link cuz I don’t trust the people of this forum (what with my mentally unhinged stalker for the past year), but one of the exdevs liked a tweet where I suggested if Teldrassil was crafted/pushed by Afrasiabi, then it shouldn’t be “cleaned up” but rather entirely re-evaluated, she responded she hadn’t thought it that way before


as in… a retcon of the whole thing or?..

thats a pretty big thing to take back.

Especially for you, copied from the RU-forum.
10.0 maybe about post-apocalyptic Azeroth? Why paint the promised capital for the Night Elves when all races can be left without capital cities? =)



*shrug *

If it is true that Teldrassil was the product of Afrasiabi, his idea and his pushing it, as the aforementioned interaction suggests

Then it is of the same nature as renaming Mac’aree to Eredath and re-recording Velen’s VA, but on a much larger scale.

And if this is the case, and they came forward saying, “Look, we are trying to remove the mark of the abusers on the story, but that materially includes a significant amount of the canon over the past three expansions because he pushed his ideas onto this character and that character to play out god knows what fantasy, so we are going to use this reality engine of Zereth Mortis to in-game retcon reality into something more palatable”

I think that would be Good and Fair and realistically the only way out.

Because again, there is no way out in the narrative.


The current writers are doubling down on the Night Elves’ misery instead of trying to make things better.

If anything, they finished what he started and they are no better at all!
Or how do you explain the obliteration of the souls and everything else that was unnecessarily cruel after they have suffered so much already?

I have mixed feelings about that because it cuts a lot of stuff off at the knees.

I think it would be best if they just move forward with the resettlement of Hyjal and did a super good job of it.


I guess.

It would suck so much to see them use this cheap tactic, but if that’s the case, how would they go about rewriting it? Would we be trusted back to pre vanilla? Would it be post Legion, but before teldrassil for their free do over of those events? Would they just go back and rewrite Zoovals influence including his partnership with Sylvanas? Or maybe those proto eternals or the current eternals will fix everything back to what it currently is after Zoovals reality restart, somehow.

So much in that would be so questionable.

Even if the writers were willing to make Hyjal theirs now (spoilers: they aren’t) that still wouldn’t fix the almost entire night elf race having been victims of genocide, torture and suffering and had their souls obliterated later.

All that with their abusers getting away with all of it and even getting rewarded for it.


But they were not obliterated. you keep repeating that like you hope if you say it enough times it will become true. But it won’t. We rescue more by the week.

I just… arghhh. why are you so one note.


Which isn’t gonna happen and you know it :stuck_out_tongue:


Essentially retcon various elements from Legion onward, keeping most of it intact, but no Zovaal

So we remove the more recent damage that Afrasiabi did.

Which is why we’re in this mess to begin with