9.1.5 Wishlist (Post yours here)

With the blue posts today, I have some hope that we may actually be listened to this time. Below are a few things I’d like to see in 9.1.5. Post yours and hopefully we can get a thread going that will get their attention.

Allow me to use whatever covenant ability I want without switching Covenants. I love being a Kyrian, but I hate that I can’t use Condemn or Ancient Aftershock in place of Spear of Bastion in certain content.

For Void Elves, please detach the Void Tendrils from the Hair Styles. Let me pick what syle of hair I want and what style of tentacles I want separately.

Please give Kyrian a ‘Wings’ Mount that look like the wings that the Ascended have. The Aquillin is ‘okay’ but I much rather would be able to just have a set of wings sprout from my character’s back and be able to fly. You can even make multiple colorations based on the Kyrian Armor sets.

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Also, please allow Void elves to ‘toggle’ the aesthetic of their Entropic Embrace much like Worgens and their Worgen/human form.

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this probably wont happen

You can wear a Kyrian mog while another Covenant. I’m probably going to continue to use my Forsworn mog even if I’m using Convoke quite often.

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-Removal of GCD/AoE cap changes (I admit this probably can’t happen until 10.0 at the earliest though)

-Flying in Korthia, the Maw, and all future content

-Legion content fixed to be soloable at max level

-Black hair for void elves (how is this seriously still not a thing)

-Mage tower equivalent (doesn’t have to be the one from Legion or give the same rewards, but some kind of completely optional solo challenge with class/spec-based rewards)

-Removal of anima caps (having access to all four covenant reservoirs might help assuming they don’t combine them or something, but there’s still zero reason for it to exist)

-Valor can upgrade gear all the way to 252.

-KSM on your main unlocks valor upgrades on alts again.


A lot of my gripes are being addressed by 9.1.5.

The big one that isn’t is turning off world scaling, or at least making it toggle for those who insist that moths must be able to kill them at any ilevel.


they aren’t going to do that gameplay one with over a year left in the expansion

New set(s) of collection achievements please!

And maybe some way to get domination gear in M+

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Remove Steve Danuser


tails for worgen


Hunters being able to tame Gromits and Gormlings.

Improvements/tuning for the more frustrating Path of Ascension encounters/mechanics.

BoA anima packages to send to alts.

  1. Reforge
  2. torghast gives xmog/title rewards and soul cinder/ash drops from mythic+/pvp/raid.
  3. increase gear drop rate
  4. Lower cost of honor gear
  5. increase conquest/valor cap

Would be cool, I don’t see why you wouldn’t soulbind w/ one covenant and use their other abilities lore-wise. Primarily the issue then is that would compound balance issues…

My wishlist for the gameplay

M0 queue that has long been asked for.

are conduits still spec-specific in your soulbind trees? i know the soulbind itself is spec-specific but do the conduits change yet? if not, THAT.

  • Something that makes it beneficial to run LFD/LFR alongside my Korthia progression, or whatever future systems they have. I just want more options on how to play casually outside of my raid group.

  • A way to group an alliance character up with my horde friends at some point. I hate having to choose between friends or the character I want to play. It’s one thing I really like about some of the other games I played. Even SWTOR allowed this with the legacy system.

  • More value to Torghast other than soul ash. Leveling will allow this, but what else?

Shadowlands is a bust.