Are you excited?
Does it make you want to resub to wow? Or even log back to wow?
Im curious at the representation on twitch now that 9.1.5 is here.
Ill keep this updated to see it later!
Currently not primetime wow time
Are you excited?
Does it make you want to resub to wow? Or even log back to wow?
Im curious at the representation on twitch now that 9.1.5 is here.
Ill keep this updated to see it later!
Currently not primetime wow time
I don’t think anyone expected 9.1.5 to boost numbers really…I think 9.2 is going to be the real determining factor on the state of the game.
I will say - I’m very happy I can be a new bird…I love my new crow body
I know its an Anon thread, but stream numbers dont mean success.
If you have to watch other players play games mmos arent the best choice and as a result never do well on twitch.
worst update in the history of WoW. they ruined the currency image.
It’s what we already knew…and I’m kinda inspired to play again on a regular basis. Just “feels” like they really are trying. It’s a small step, but I bet it’s going to get better.
Ya cuz everybody plays WoW also streams it. Judging a games success by current twitch viewers is incredibly dumb.
By your graphic it seems that FF14 is worse than WoW again.
I dunno, I’m currently in Korthia, so I can’t move or use abilities or anything.
Great patch.
Everything froze on me earlier. A lot of players on, more than I’ve seen in awhile. There’s always glitches the first day.
My hair is red! It’s a success!
I Logged in for a few moments but I feel like it might be too little too late. Maybe because I play both WoW and ffxiv but I think I’m going to take a break until 9.2
My sub is up on Sunday and there’s no real content to renew for- Even Legion Timewalking doesn’t have enough… allure.
That’s not what a lot of the MAUWalkers on these forums were saying.
Alpha sucks, but it’s alpha, beta will fix it.
Beta sucks, but it’s beta, release will fix it.
9.0 is bad, 9.1 will fix it.
9.1 is bad, but the raid isn’t out yet.
All of 9.1 sucks, but 9.1.5 will fix it.
9.1.5 is bad, but 9.2 will save it. <--------- We are now here.
9.2 is bad but 9.3/10.0 will save it.
Tsk tsk, why wait for patches, when the real endgame is right here!
I will log in for comp stomp. Which was coming irregardless of the patch lol.
Fix up some 210 to 220 chars in the most deterministic way the game has. to set them up decent for sub lapse and return 9.2.5/9.3.
Comp stomp spam is not thrilling. But its assured rewards. Meanwhile in korthia…I am now up to 12 drops of gear not needed. Just 1 char… Which is funny…the char has 5+ slots that could use gear.
Chest and pants, sigh, so many chests and pants.
That’s what I signed up for the council under! Cutting edge roleplayer!
Blizzard made $80mil more Q3 2021 than 2020 and that’s with all the lawsuit stuff.
I didn’t. I was a part of the one we had quite some years ago and it basically was like, they listened to us for a bit. Then started just ignoring us or the developers abusing us for not liking class directions. Then they tried to throw the blame onto us for why people were mad with Legion launch because “Well these concerns were never brought up.”
The concerns were brought up, but blues like Celestalon decided to just throw walls of text at as and imply we had no idea what we were talking about.
Good luck with round 2, I learned from the first time.
I will bring up the most important problems, like the need for more empty houses to play pretend in!
My highmountain tauren looks better than ever.