I don’t even do that now. I ahve many chars who park on a mountain by wintergrasp. Their login routine is see who can run the raid in wintergrasp on reset.
Alliance controls? well then its alliance conga line time. Horde? horde conga line…
This setup is idiotic at this point. they aren’t even allied races. They are now core races. They passed probation, they are union card carrying members of their faction.
time to just give this out really.
I mean there is almost no war story in BFA squish mode now. Ain’t no war story to catch up on. its literally the 1 of 3 landing zones off scout map. Alliance goes to storm the beaches and hit the horde of zuldazar landing. and done.
Now go kill witches, void thralls, ashvanes, snake men and blood trolls to level 50. 50 ding…time to go to shadowlands.
The premise of this thread is ridiculous 9.1.5 didn’t bring anything new to it just a bunch of QoL changes. While I appreciate them it wouldn’t be stream worthy imo
I am just happy the Devine Steed default mount[1] for my Light Forged Paladin looks a lot cooler now. So that makes 9.1.5 a win for me. Everything else is meh. I’m not changing any Covenants because of the patch, and I don’t know what else is in it.
[1] I never knew this change was in the patch. I used Devine Steed in LFR and was like - What… this changed??? lol
Sylvanas photo on wow is literally making people hate the wow I swear.
Instead of seeing dwarf on the gryphon with bird you see this angry cringe " will never serve" but been serving for all expansions sylvanus. It literaly makes me hate game seeing it.