9.1.5 In Development Class Forum?

Where is the 9.1.5 In Development class forum? I sincerely hope they continue working on classes.

There are low overhead improvements which would make the Classes/Covenants/Leggos and their interactions healthier which improves the overall game experience. There should be a specific forum to voice these ideas. I do not believe the class forums at large are the best place for this.

EDIT: I made this before I saw the 9.1.5 Content Update Preview
I hope and assume they will add the class development forum “soon”



Literally the first thing I thought when I saw the blue post was “Are they finally gonna give Mistweaver Monk some attention?”

I mean, MWs are literally still waiting from Beta when a Blue said “Stay tuned for more big changes soon!”-and never returned. Just left the entire class hanging.

Nearly every class still needs a lot of work and far as balance, dead talents, autopick talents, QoL changes, etc, etc are concerned