9.1.5 had hope now you BAIT the whales with 6 month subs

I said you’re not fat, you’re fluffy but I accidentally quoted something from a different post so I deleted it… then I got distracted and forgot to repost correctly, but now you know!

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Some people resubbed because now the game is more playable which means it’s a bit more fun.

That’s all. A 6 month sub is cheaper in the long run than paying month to month, also so it’s not just “whales”.

This is how Blizzard wants its game. Systems, time gating to the extreme, convoluted currencies of all forms, etc…
If people really dislike it then they’ll move on and only when the money takes a hit is when Blizzard will change their formula.
Til then, it is what it is.

as you post on a max level character with over 23k achievement points…


Like I said. It’s not that bad.

sad but true, and they get awfully awfully salty when you ask them to refund your 6 month sub

I already was on a 6 month sub so basically this announcement was hey we are also giving you 15 free cards packs and I couldn’t be happier.


OP heard a term and is trying to apply it where it doesnt mean anything.

Mate, if you think 6 month subs outweigh monthly subs you’re delusional.

You forgot:
Release 9.2 one month after the 6 month subs end.

Anyone who pays for a 6 month sub effectively gives up their voice for half a year on the direction of the game. The yearly cost savings of the 6 month package vs month to month is extremely minimal and, imo, not worth paying Blizz in advance for so long, especially since specials are also a pretty clear indicator that 9.2 is a looooong ways off.

Actually if Im reading this right you get battleground perks a tavern pass and 15 cards packs. All 3 of which are worth 20 Us dollars plus tax and also all of which a lot of hearthstone players end up buying already. Effectively this means that if you are playing hearthstone a lot you get 6 months of wow free, because you are getting 140 dollars worth of stuff you would have probably bought already for only 80. If you dont play both games yeah this is pointless but for people that play both a lot this is a huge win.

Paying for a 6-month sub doesn’t even come close to “Whale” territory and you know it, but you wouldn’t get your forum clout if you were objective.

It’s free if you play the starting thing for the new Hearthstone mode… No purchase required for that mount…

Now stop making those whale noises. you are making a scene.

“The system simply has not played out the way we hoped it would. We should have heeded community feedback and taken a different direction a year ago”

So hey yeah we know the game was pretty awful and we should have listened to you guys…BUT HEY LOOK, MOUNT WITH 6 MONTH SUB BOOM WOW KABLAMO WOOSHHHH

The 6 month sub promo they literally pump out every 6 months like clockwork isn’t for whales. The WoW token, premium expansion packs, and cash shop is for the whales.

The 6 month sub promo is so they have you locked in for 6 months whether you actually find yourself wanting to play it or not…and then 6 months later you get another mount.l further enticing you to stay on the model for “free” stuff.

They want their guaranteed revenue so if they don’t fix the game you can’t leave and then 6 months later a new patch comes out and fixes some of your problems. Anyone on the 6 month sub model shouldn’t bother complaining about the state of the game because you’re literally fueling their capability to get away with it. Blizzard would literally be pissing their pants right now if every single one of their players went 1 month sub.

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gotta love the people flagging this post like someone said something bad about biden…

Did you even read the article on that mount? It’s accessible through hearthstone :confused: And also Hearthstone was always store-oriented.

The mount was released a month ago.

The other mount is just for playing Hearthstone.

you have no idea what a whale is and it shows

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You should be used to the 6 month pattern by now. This is just breadcrumbs added to the 9.1.5 patch.

They’ll eventually get it…or not.