If you don’t have self control that a 6 month announcement is gonna make you want to resub again then that’s not anyone’s fault, let alone Blizz.
$30/hour, ha… I make twice that.
How is having a 6 month renewing sub being a whale? I pay less overall for my 6 month sub than someone who is paying monthly.
I don’t think you know what a whale is.
If this was ACTUALLY meant to be “whale bait” they would have made the mount the sub reward, not a bunch of Hearthstone packs. What this really is is cross promotion to encourage WoW players to try Hearthstone.
It’s also hilarious to call the 6-month sub “whale bait” at all considering it’s cheaper in the long run if you’re going to stay subbed for all 6 months anyway.
Why do people who clearly do not trust and/or hate Blizzard Activision continue to interreact with their games? Your hyperbolic complains distract from the very real problems with the game that those of us who enjoy it want to bring to attention so they can worked on.
Just walk away if you have such a low opinion of the game, stop giving them money (And don’t try “I pay with tokens” because that means they got $20 for your sub instead of $15)
I’m opposed to baiting people with 6 month subs with unique mounts when the game is in a poor state.
But I see that this is poor timing on Blizzard to announce a cross game promotion when they’re in the middle of a game doing poorly plus facing IRL things.
Cross game promotion has been a staple of Blizzard since a long time.
I get called that because I am weight 50 tonnes and swim in the Pacific.
cheers! may the krill be plentiful
buddy the point of 6 month subs is to get people for longer than they would have subbed
a ton of them would only have stayed for 2-4 months, sometimes even 1
that is the benefit
not sure 6 month subs equate to whales though, that’s more cash shop gold buying or peeps that buy all the mounts/pets AND gold AND tons of boosts - cash shop metrics are directly corelated to /timeplayed and repeat logins which is why we have so many bloated systems focused on increasing grind time for the same level of rewards - they just break that same reward in to 3-5 pieces and make separate grinds for each piece
also if you are subbed anyways, despite wishing you weren’t, you are more likely to login again regardless
it is all metrics
Bought this three months ago, and no this isn’t GoTWiC where you have whales, you have people that work and save money buying the six month subs instead of month to month.
It’s why they silently began putting mounts with 6 month subs during the worst time in BFA.
I remember when they released that ship which cannot float and it was obvious bait to reel in juicy fish to report as monthly active users.
It’s really not that poor of a state.
have not paid a real money sub in a long time and this is no longer a game i would pay a real money sub for (when i cant make enough gold easy enough or it runs out thats it) - and before someone chimes in with 'they get $20 instead of $15 ’ remember thats $20 is not from me so i really dont care who else they got it off.
Yes it is.
When you’ve got the people who run the game make the same copypasta apology they made in Azerite for Shadowlands systems, you bet it’s in a poor state.
Stop calling me fat.
It really isn’t. Does it have some issues? Sure. However it’s not as bad as the majority of the bad and vocal playerbase make it out to be.
i do a month to month basis. .-.
mostly cause i can’t afford the $112 up front. ._. ($97 +taxes)
It’s very bad when the devs themselves have to say “We should have listened a year ago”. Funnily enough that’s what they said when they apologized for not listening about Azerite.
So they may be trolling
I never really buy those 6 month subs because i know there is a possibility that i won’t be playing that time. And given i just came back on my break a week ago, that lessens the reason for me to get the 6 month sub thing even more because i might be not sticking around atfer the first month. So far, it’s okay, but i still rather go by month by month basis.
It’s anecdotal (doesn’t represent other people’s experience), i would figure i give my two cents on it anyways.
Now it will bother me for at least thirty seconds, wondering what you said.