I just noticed that it looks like Nightborne are getting “Eyebrow” options, which is nice.
Cathedral M+ anyone?
Of course, instead they should have…
thats what i am hoping…
Now I’m curious what the forum hate train will cast its gaze on next after a lot of good changes here.
Of course most the changes are way too late, but I guess better than never.
HOORAY! They’re [attempting] balancing PVP!
I mean all of the changes sound great.
I genuinely wish it didn’t take this long. We have been giving this feedback since beta.
I get we may not have game design degrees, but we do play the game day in and day out.
I don’t have to be a chef to tell you when something tastes burnt or undercooked.
9.1.5 Wishlist
Allow me to use whatever covenant ability I want without switching Covenants. I love being a Kyrian, but I hate that I can’t use Condemn or Ancient Aftershock in place of Spear of Bastion in certain content.
For Void Elves, please detach the Void Tendrils from the Hair Styles. Let me pick what syle of hair I want and what style of tentacles.
Please give Kyrian a ‘Wings’ Mount that look like the wings that the Ascended have. The Aquillen is ‘okay’ but I much rather would be able to just have a set of wings sprout from my character’s back and be able to fly. You can even make multiple colorations based on the Kyrian Armor sets.
I’ll believe in Ybarra and Oneal until they give me a reason not to. They haven’t yet, this is amazing news.
Now this is a good .5 patch
If the post had started out by stating, “In the first round of changes…” then I would feel less cynical. The fact that it took the lawsuit and it’s fallout to facilitate this patch fuels my skepticism.
That said, deep down inside I still hold out hope against hope for things to get better. But…
Please add an option for forsaken to be skeletons. PLEASE
What possible reason could you have to oppose a transmog of an item i have in my bags and can equip at will?
This is nice and all, but how damn long will we have to wait for it?
All positive changes. But the real tell will be whether you start acting in response to player feedback more quickly in the future -or better yet, stop making such bad decisions in the first place.
Most of this should have been in 9.0. Better late than never, but there’s much, much more to be done and any good will you get from this will evaporate the second you pick another random, completely arbitrary hill to die on regarding content in 9.2 or beyond.
Pssst, Blizzard, yes do it. Warglaives should be useable on more classes, including as transmogs. There’s no reason for them to be DH-specific anymore.
Legacy loot rules will be enabled for players at level 60 in all Battle for Azeroth raids and dungeons, causing encounters to drop the number of items as they would randomly drop for a 5-player dungeon party or a 20-player raid.
Anyone word on when Legion mechanics will be changed so raids will be soloable? Some of them still can’t be soloed just because of mechanics.
Loving the other changes, though, especially
- Maw skip
- quicker renown gain for alts
- The Covenant changes that should have been in place from launch, like players had been asking for
- More travel points in the Maw (though we still want flying!)
- Runecarving recipe drop rates - this is another one that should have been implemented from the start. Doing 20+ runs for a single recipe was obnoxious as crap.
This gives me great hope for the future. I guess all it took was a change of leadership.
Last time it came up, they said it wasn’t being planned. Given the number of harvesting activities and different lanes to protect, it seems to me at that would require a major rebalancing/gutting to make it soloable.
Yeah good start… let’s not be handing the gold medals out already. Plenty in game is a shambles
This is nothing but the usual cycle of release broken systems that nobody likes and then “fixing” them many months later.
Nothing new here.