9.1.5 Character Customizations: New and Improved You

Added in the post via quote! That looks AWESOME! I can’t believe I missed it x.x

Why do you have void elves listed first, are you that eager for them to get a third pass


They’re trolling, Lann.

Granted I don’t see red eyes for Void Elves as something that wouldn’t make sense, but not in the sense of San’layn. I’d want Old God eyes, which can also be red. Those pictures of Void Elves with Old God eyes are awesome!


Oh man this is a great list. And proper formatting to avoid flooding the thread too? I think I’m in love.


Yeah this would be fine and make sense! I also agree, they’re awesome. I’d love to see multiple eye options too for void elves? Like an additional one on the center of their forehead.


Thanks for that compilation Drede.

I do have a request of adding under LFD, the Man’ari abs from Legion :eyes:



Very nice.




(Not you for pointing this out, but the fact that they didn’t listen to that, and I agree with you. So this does make me sad. :frowning: )


Anyways, because I don’t send my friends to read every post about void elves to dogpile anybody who makes a suggestion I don’t personally approve of;

Can we get claws too?

We’re the monster elves.

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Q; What does Drow mean in Elvish?

A; Dark Elves

Blood Elves with Dark Skin along with Silver/White Hair

Asking the real questions

You’re not referring to the new diversity options they added for all human skin toned races are you?


”Though I think we are planning on just broadly incorporating the range of character customization options for NPCs as well as players just across the world. I think, in some ways we’re frankly viewing this as a bit of a retcon. Like, we’re not going to change existing named, established characters and make them look different. But, walking around Stormwind, walking around other parts of the world, you will see guards and random civilians that have these looks as if they’ve been there all along. Because frankly I think we see this as correcting an oversight on our part, over the years. And just trying to improve representation more broadly. We are custodians of a fantasy universe and a world that we build and we don’t want to not do the right thing because we feel shackled to a decision that was made creatively in a different era that was fifteen plus years ago.”

The added diversity options were long over do additions that they’ve said were an oversight on their part.

It’s not much but that NB customization is sick. Love to see it.

Speaking of taking on the dangers of Azeroth . . . can we please take on the dangers of Azeroth and not the dangers of “cosmic land poorly retconned into the lore?”


already 4 months in an no where is mentioned a release date on it


Can’t you do this already?

idk I can’t check I think I got suspended as it wont let me log into the game.
/edit I am back from the void inwhich I fell into

Well I can’t speak to that, but blizzard added diversity to the races with natural human skin tones and yes blood elves were one of them.

Not that they did a great job expanding on that mind you, we have 14 skin tones, 2 added were olive/tan, and 2 added on the darker end of the spectrum, so that’s 4 added skin tones of diversity? Meanwhile we have 10 shades of white, it would have been nice to have a range of medium and dark skin tones to choose from.

Though it also would have been nice to see a second visual theme like void elves received at the expense of blood elf visual uniqueness.


Wouldn’t you know if you got suspended? Normally you have to do something for that.

Have you tried changing your password just in case?