9.1.5 Character Customizations: New and Improved You

“Core content”

These are just more pointless abstractions.

You are right that it looks awesome.

I have a handful of characters that I paint regularly that have dark skin + glowing golden hieroglyphics. :grin:

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Sorry you can’t accept you’re wrong when multiple people are telling you that you are.

And straight backs for their males.

Don’t troll. San’layn are a Horde thing.


Censorship and Woketivism.

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Sorry no, there is no comparison between having rewards advertised as time-limited be time-limited and revising design choices in an expansion as it goes along.

/sighing harder

What they do for the appearances is the content.

The appearances, in of themselves, are the rewards.

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After the disappointment that the playable Nightborne turned out to be on release, the dev team needed to blow us away with their work this second time around and they haven’t done that, at least not for me.

The better parts of what they added for the Nightborne in 9.1.5 are decent at best, but the bad still far outweighs it. I don’t have any faith in the developers going forward that they’ll ever improve the overall quality of the Nightborne to the state where they should be.

I unsubscribed from the game after the announcement at Blizzcon that there would be no further customization, and I’m considering unsubscribing again after this latest disappointment. To reverse course on your stance that there would be no further customization only to produce such mediocre work is…baffling. It makes the customization they added in 9.1.5 look like a cheap means to pacify the player base, and it’s hard to support that.


One hundred percent this.

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“Alleria tattoos”

Farstrider tattoos should be a blood elf exclusive. Alleria is a one off special NPC and void elves have gotten an impactful second visual theme, they retain their original uniqueness (more than what you can say for blood elves) and blood elves have gotten neither an impactful second visual theme or unique additions like our Farstrider tattoos.

Literally let any race before void elves who got penciled in when they claimed the focus was on core races. And then again just now with the last of any sense of uniqueness for blood elves out the window.


Will we save Anduin?

Oh that’s what they said? I have that troll on ignore for a reason.

Hey Blizzard! Someday I’d love San’layn customization and Dark Rangers for Blood Elves! I think a lot of us would, actually. Here’s some art :slight_smile:

^ I made this on wowhead, with the Blood Elf Model, but with NPC options. A fang and claw toggle would be SUPER great too!


The mock up Somand did of Reno’s character is so simple I can’t link pictures but it’s in the dark ranger thread I recently quoted it

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Oh! Let me add it to my post there ^^


You know, that’s fair. If they want to save this game from it’s current downward spiral, they really should be pulling out all the stops and not phoning in on anything. I like that they even tried; but I also get that after everything, they really needed to hit a grand slam to win a lot of people back, and this is a first- or second-base hit at best.

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Shows off a tattoo example we didn’t get too

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Anyways, if we’re now discussing things we’d like to see going forwards, can we have red eyes for Void Elves? Not only is red a void colour, but finishing this fantasy once and for all would be a huge boon.




Not like we actually need the red eyes since vampires - and san’layn - don’t always have red, white is just as common in pre-modern fantasy, and purple is used quite often as well, but just bringing it all together with the hair cuts we have already would be :ok_hand:

One thing would make one of the most requested subraces in the game available in full.
One small thing.


Void Elves have two visual themes and blood elves still haven’t gotten anything in return for losing all sense of visual uniqueness.

Now you’re on about San’layn as another theme for void elves? Enough.


Not worth arguing with someone very petty like that who openly admitted to only wanting it because Horde does. It’s why I put all of their alts on ignore, not worth the time of day. We’ve been making great suggestions, so hopefully Blizzard will listen to players who have actual valuable insight.


Multiple people believe there are little green men abducting cows off their farms. Doesn’t mean they are in any way correct!

I’ve compiled a list of Customization suggestions for future consideration for each race.

Allied Races

Void Elves

Void Elves are currently in a unique spot with recent High Elf themed additions, but they did not receive anything new related to the Void theme yet.

The best path going forward would be to add more Void options, or things that work with both, as well as differentiating them more from Blood Elves.

Void Elf Ideas


  • Tattoos/Markings like Alleria Windrunner/WC2 Rangers, in multiple colors, in Void and Non Void Options.
  • Dark Voided Skin/Eye options of some type.
  • Entropic Embrace customizations. Including Changing and Disabling the effects, or making it permanent.
  • Scars/Void Marks.


  • The Tentacle Toggle should add Tentacles for all haircuts in addition to removing them.
  • Options to add/change the effects to Tentacles. (Glowing/Transparent/Corrupted ect.)
  • Void Inspired hair color
  • More hair styles, preferably ones that aren’t greasy looking.

Artwork and pictures

Alleria’s Tattoos


Alleria Tattoo Concept for Void Elves by Keyboardturn

Hair (by Lu0ren)


Nightborne where a well loved NPC race in Legion, but the Player options and appearance fall short of the NPCs and they lack a lot of differentiation.

More things like the glowing hands and more options from NPCs would be welcome additions as well as increasing/improving the customizations available to them.

Nightborne Ideas


  • Some Younger/Less Scowly Faces.
  • Face Shape Options.
  • Some Pastel hair colors.
  • Dark Grey Skin Tones like some Nightborne NPCs.

Magical Effects

  • Glowing Hands/Feet/Hair like Nightborne NPCs.
  • Felborne Options.
  • Fel Green, Blue, Dark Purple, Magenta and Coral Eye Colors.
  • The ability to match Glowing Hands/Feet/Hair/Tattoo/Eye colors to eye Colors.
  • Brighter Tattoo options.


  • Arcan’dor themed Jewelry.
  • Bracers/Anklets like Nightborne NPCs.
Lightforged Draenei

Lightforged have some good options, but they could use more contrasting options for differentiation from other Lightforge players.

Lightforged Draenei Ideas

  • Dark/Obsidian Skin Tones.
  • More Eye Colors.
  • More Tattoo Patterns.
  • Brighter Tattoo options.
Highmountain Tauren

Highmountain Tauren got some good things, but they are still a little lacking in some departments. Also it would be neat if there was some options based off each tribe.

Highmountain Tauren Ideas

  • More Warpaint Styles.
  • More Face Options.
  • Pure White and Pure Black Fur.
  • Different Accessories based off of Highmountain tribes.
Darkiron Dwarves

Darkiron Dwarves are pretty well received, but they could simply use more options and some more standout features.

Darkiron Dwarf Ideas

  • More Tattoo Patterns.
  • Red/Orange Tattoo options.
  • Burnt/Lava Hands/Feet/Scars.
  • Separate Beard/Mustache options.
Kul Tiran

Kul Tirans could use some customizations to show their nautical nature a bit more obviously.

Kul Tiran Ideas

  • Sailor Arm Tattoos and Back Tattoos.
  • Bigger Beards/Mustache. (Some Pirate Like)
  • More Face Options
  • An Eyepatch as a face customization.

Tattoo Concepts by Handclaw


Mechagnomes enjoy some unique customizable body parts but the mechanizations hide legs/boots/gloves so it’s very hard for Mechagnome to look unique from eachother. Separation of options and more colors for parts would greatly help making them more unique from eachother.

Mechagnome Ideas

  • More Paintjobs for Mechanical Parts.
  • Additional Mechanized options.
  • Metallic Skin Colors
  • More Eye Colors for Augmented Eyes. (Matching normal eye colors.)
Zandalari Trolls

Zandalari are pretty solid, but could use some more regal options to show off their status among the Trolls.

Zandalari Troll Ideas

  • Larger Gold Tattoo options with more coverage.
  • Solid Gold Tusk.
  • More Eye Colors.
  • More Jewelry Options.

Gold Tattoo Concepts by Handclaw


Not much to say about Vulpera, most are pretty happy. But they too should see more options.

Vulpera Ideas

  • More Fur Patterns.
  • More Ear Shapes.
  • More Muzzle Shapes.

Mag’har Could use some more options, they could also share more things with regular Orcs.

Mag’har Ideas

  • Pale Shattered Hand Clan Skins.
  • Bleeding Hollow gouged Eye options.
  • Shattered Hand Stump. (Equipping a weapon just attaches it to the end)
  • Eyebrow Options for both genders.

Core Races

Blood Elves

Blood Elves did not get a lot of options that stand out. The jewelry has limited colors/designs and their hair is very outdated by todays game standards.

There are also several Subraces of Blood Elves that people would like as a playable option and they have not gotten the options to show their races turmoil through battle damage. Not to mention the Runic Tattoos that are on the TBC box art that players have wanted since Blood Elves addition to the game.

There are a few obvious ways that you can add to Blood Elves to improve their identity and variety as well as improve existing options.

Blood Elf Ideas

Racial identity options

  • Dark Ranger Options.
  • San’layn Options. (Possibly through a Quest like Nightwarrior.)
  • Felblood Elf Options. (Possibly through a Quest like Nightwarrior.)


  • Rune Tattoos/Scarrifacations like the Burning Crusade Box Art and Magister Rommath.
  • Phoenix Tattoos like the Farstrider Hanzo Skin for HotS.
  • Scars/Burns and Damaged Ears.
  • Makeup Options. Including large Dark Ranger and Phoenix based designs.

Jewelry Improvements/Fixes

  • Allow males to use Jewelry.
  • More Metal and Gem colors for Jewelry. For less clashing with armor/outfits.
  • More Jewelry Types. (Chokers, Metal Feathers/Feathers and Eye/Nose/Lip Piercings, Etc.)
  • Fix the bracelets so they aren’t pixilated.


  • Separate the Tiaras/Headbands from specific hairstyles.
  • Large and Fancier Hair/Beard/Mustache Styles with more Void Elf hairstyles
  • Ombré Hair Color options.
  • Eyebrow Size options.

Artwork and pictures


San’layn concepts by Qualia

Dark Ranger

Runic Tattoos


Rune Concepts by Handclaw


Farstrider Hanzo Skin Tattoo

Beards by Naitsade

Beards by Mathptr1



Worgen have a unique ability to shapeshift into Human forms, but it feels like this is drawing away from the actual Worgen options that you use the vast majority of the time, also their options are mostly changing fur patterns on similar looking faces.

Worgen Ideas


  • Larger and more visible Braids/Patches/extensions.
  • More Hair decorations/accessories. (Maybe a small hat or rose for Females)
  • Separate Beard options and add more beard styles.
  • Mane Color Options.


  • Improve the Heterochromia selection in the menu with Left/Right Eye toggles.
  • Improve the Eye Glow Selection.
  • More Muzzle Shapes and Teeth options.
  • More Ear Selections.


  • Separate scars from faces.
  • More facial Scars and Damaged ears.
  • Large Body Scars/Bite Marks/Claw Marks.
  • Scars Visible in Human Form.


  • Dark and Black Fur Colors.
  • Tail Toggle, with varying appearance options.
  • Shaggier Fur options.

Orcs have many different clans and traditions that are still unavailable to them despite being in the lore.

Orc Ideas

  • More Orcish Clan Skins, including Blackrock, Dragonmaw, and the like.
  • Dragonmaw Tattoos.
  • Bleeding Hollow gouged Eye options.
  • Shattered Hand Stump. (Equipping a weapon just attaches it to the end)
  • Eyebrow Options for both genders.

Dragonmaw Skin/Tattoos by Handclaw


Trolls have many different groups that people would like to play and Troll Beards have been a thing in lore since WC3.

Troll Ideas

  • Beards for Males!
  • Eyebrow Options.
  • More Troll subrace options, like Forest and Ice Troll.
  • Macular Body options for both genders.

Beard Concepts by mathptr1


Goblins could use some options to be more flashy, given their races chaotic and reckless nature.

Goblin Ideas

  • ‘Bling’ AKA Large Jewelry options for both Genders. (Including Brass Knuckles)
  • Eyebrow Options.
  • Soot Marks from Explosions on face/hands/body.
  • Smoldering Hair options.

Bling Concepts by Handclaw
Soot Concepts by Handclaw


Gnomes have an inventive and troubled history and there should be some more options to reflect that.

Gnome Ideas

  • Grease Marks on Face/Hands/Body.
  • Afro Hair Styles and an Einstein Styled Mustache.
  • Radiation Scars/Lepper Gnome Skin.
  • A Cosmetic Utility Belt/Backpack.

Draenei could use some more accessories.

Draenei Ideas

  • Damaged Horns.
  • More Jewelry and Gem Color customizations.
  • Body Jewelry.
  • Runes on Horns like they had before the model update.

Pandaren lack a lot of options to distinguish themselves from eachother.

Pandaren Ideas

  • More Distinct Face shape options.
  • Tail toggle for both genders.
  • Red Panda options for males.
  • Blind Eye options.

Humans could simply use some options decupled and shared across genders.

Human Ideas

  • Scars separated from Faces and more Scars added.
  • Necklaces/Piercings for Males.
  • Larger, more Wizardly, Beard Options.
  • Let every Face use every Skin Color.

Undead have a lot of potential to play with the Zombie/Undead theme.

Undead Ideas

  • Bolts/Electrodes in the Head/Neck.
  • Large Stitches for face/body.
  • Body Parts with different skin colors.
  • Beards for males.
  • Curly Hair.
  • Large Black Makeup.

Makeup by NɅITSɅDE
Beards by NɅITSɅDE
Stitches/Skin by Handclaw

Night Elves

Night Elves could use a few improvements.

Night Elf Ideas

  • Highborn themed Options.
  • Face/Body Rigging improvements.
  • Young Faces for Males.

Tauren could use more improvements/options and more faces.

Tauren Ideas

  • Grimtotem Warpaint.
  • More Face Options.
  • White Fur for Planes Walkers
  • More Mane/Hair Options.
  • More Horn Options.

More elaborate info on tattoos and markings for races without them

Worgen Scars

Worgen Scars Concepts


  • Large Visible Scars on the Face/Limbs/Body.
  • Face/Limbs/Body Scars are all separately customizable to mix and match.
  • Current Scars are Delinked from faces with more Facial Scars added.
  • Mostly Bite/Claw marks.
  • All scars can be visible on both Human Form and Worgen Form.

Facial Scars.

  • Raked, 3 large claw marks across the entire face.
  • Swipe, 3 claw marks across the bottom half of the face/muzzle.
  • Inner Rage, Claw Marks down the sides of the face.
  • Crescent , One Large Curving Scar across nose/cheekbones/muzzle.
  • Torn, large oval scar with jagged edges on the side of face.
  • Fang, Teeth marks.
  • Stocks, Worn/Scratched area around neck.
    (Note; I am not including the old facial scars as those are established)

Limb Scars

  • Bitten, Large outline of a Worgen bite on Arm.
  • Scratched, Claw Marks on Forearm.
  • Gored, Large Jagged patches on Arms/Legs with other scratches.
  • Mauled, Bite and Claw Marks on Arms and legs.
  • Alpha, 3 large Claw Marks on Upper Arms/Thighs.
  • Plagued, Plague Burns/Scars on Arms/Legs.

Body Scars

  • Preyed, Large Bite Mark on shoulder.
  • Raked, 3 Large Claw Marks down Back.
  • Rip, Pair of large Claw Marks of chest.
  • Mauled. Many Claw Marks on Chest.
  • Swiped. Many Claw Marks on Back.
  • Clawed. Many Claw Marks on Chest/Back.
  • Animal, Claw Marks across Stomach.
Blood Elf Runes

Blood Elf Tattoo Concepts


  • Magester Rommath/TBC Box Art and Indo-Arabic inspired geometric shapes and Sanskrit styled writings.


  • Face and Body are separately customizable. (Note; This will help with Demon Hunters who want the new Face Tattoos and want to keep Demon Hunter Tattoos)
  • Large Patterns and Small Runes are separately customizable. Small Runes fallow along patterns of the Large Runes/Lines.


  • Arcane Blue, Fel Green, Sunwell Gold, Blood Red, Arcane Purple, Faded, Black. (Note; These match Eye Colors and Demon Hunter Tattoo Colors)
  • Can be Glowing or None Glowing.

Runic Writing

  • Sanskrit Style. Like TBC Box Art
  • Sketchy. Somewhat Cuneiform Styled
  • Geometric. Abstract Shapes and lines.


  • Scryer. TBC Box Art on Face. Large circular/sweeping lines on Chest/Arms/Back.
  • Rune Master. Large Runes across the Face/Nose Bridge. Large Runes going down Chest/Arms.
  • Sunwell. Large Sun Shape over Eye. Large Sun Shape on Back (Or Chest?)
  • Sunfury. Small Suns on the Shoulder.
  • Grand Magister. Literally based off of Magester Rommath’s Geometric Arms Sleeves. Can continue on Face to just below Eyes/nose.
  • Blood. Large Sweeping line across Eyes with lines going downward under Eyes. (T_T) Large line across Shoulders/Collarbone and going down center of Chest/Back.
  • Filigree. Curving Intricate Patterns down Arms/Chest ending at fingertips/Toes. (Henna Inspired) Starts Under Eyes when on Face and going up ears.
  • Arcane, Asymmetric Circles with dashes/lines going through them.
  • Falcon, A downward pointing triangle on nose and a large sweeping line connecting under the eyes to the ear tips. Similar pattern across chest/back.
  • Ashes, a Large Phoenix on the Chest/Back. Feather Patterns around the eyes and a Flame Pattern lines along the jaw for the face.
  • Phoenix. Literally Farstrider Hanzo’s Tattoo from HotS.
Forsaken Stitches

Forsaken Stitches Concepts


  • Large Stitches across the head/body/arms/legs
  • You can pick a different skin color for each stitched part.
  • Each part is Separately Customizable.


  • Skull Cap, a ring of stitches around the top of the head.
  • Phantom, Stitches around the right side of the face.
  • Orbits, stitches around each eye socket.
  • Two Faced, Stitches down the middle of the head from back to front.
  • Grin, Stiches at the corners of the mouth.
  • Muzzle, Stitches around the mouth.
  • Neck, Stitches around neck.
  • Horizontal, Stitches through the middle of the face.


  • Lefty, Stitches around the upper part of the left arm.
  • Righty, Stitches around the upper part of the right arm.
  • Hugger, Stitches around the upper part of both arms.
  • Degloved, Stitches around the forearms.
  • Forearm. A line of stitches over the forearm.


  • Lefty, Stitches around the upper part of the left thigh.
  • Righty, Stitches around the upper part of the right thigh.
  • Trousers, Stitches around the waste.
  • Bootstraps. Stitches around each leg below the knee.
  • Shin Splints, Stitches down the shins.


  • Rib Spreader, stitches in the shape of a ‘Y’ down the chest.
  • Zipper, Stitches down the center of the back.
  • Heartless, A line of stitches across the left side of the chest.
  • Gut Wrenched, A line of stitches across the stomached.
  • Kidneys, Line of stitches over the kidneys.
    (Note; these are based off of Artwork from Handclaw)
Void Elf Markings

Void Elf Markings/Tattoo Concepts


  • Alleria and Celtic inspired with waving lines and abstract shapes.


  • Left/Right Eyes, Arms, and Legs. Note each are separately customizable so you can mix and match.


  • Blue, Purple, Red, Black, Green, White, and maybe a pale Yellow.


  • Normal (Like Alleria in Normal Form)
  • Glowing (Like a Backlight Tattoo/Alleria’s In Void Form)
  • Corrupted which is the Tentacle Effect on the Tattoo for moving/waving patterns.


  • Scarred, Streaks across the face/limbs.
  • Abyss/Beyond, Curling Patterns in random places. (Triskelion Inspired Design)
  • Entropic, A Waving Tentacle like pattern that covers the majority of the Eye/Forelimb.
  • Consumed, Covering an entire Arm/Leg/Side of Face.
  • Allerian, Literally based off of Alleria’s waving/tendril like pattern.
  • Silver Covenant. WC2/Silver Covenant Homage.
  • The Eye, Large Eye Tattoos. (Dalaran/N’zoth symbol mash up.)
  • Seeker, Bands over Eyes/Arms/Legs.
    (Note, these names came from Dwarf Tattoo naming conventions of naming places/concepts)
Human Mural Tattoos

Human Mural Tattoo Concepts


  • Full Color patterns based of Various human Kingdoms and Heroes.


  • Lothar, A Lion Head Tattoo on the chest.
  • Varian, A Eagle on the right shoulder and a Lion on the left shoulder.
  • Trollbane, A Sword down the chest.
  • Uther, A Silver Hand Fist on the chest.
  • Stormwind, A Lion on the upper back.
  • Stromgrad, Fist on the upper back.
  • Gilneas. Gilneas Crest on the upper back.
  • Dalaran, A Dalaran Eye on the upper back.
  • Lordaeron, A Lordaeron Crest on the upper back.
  • Kul Tiras, A Kul Tiras Anchor on the upper back.
Gnome Grease Marks

Gnomish Grease.

  • Grease marks in Black, Brown, Green, and Gold on the Hands/Chest/Face from working with machines.

And here’s some ideas for Goblins from Handclaw that do a better explanation then what I could

Goblins Soot Marks

Goblins Soot

  • Soot marks from explosions on the Face/Chest/Arms.
    ( Soot Concepts by Handclaw)