9.1.5 Character Customizations: New and Improved You



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So we can expect to see these in game in three months?

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Doesn’t matter. Blizzard has advertised plenty of things that they were then forced to walk back on. Or things that they advertised and then just abandoned.

Remember covenants? Remember heritage armors?


We are getting a watered down version of the content for no good reason. The mage tower won’t be complete content until it offers ALL of the original rewards.

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It’s this current contents patch why are you mentioning it?

They aren’t removed

It was you and your colleagues that demanded mage tower back

And they gave the challenge back just as you wanted, but you don’t get the original rewards

Be grateful you get something new in return

They said artifact skins will not come back so stop asking


Apples and oranges.

Again, content is not rewards.

Content is what you do, rewards are what you get.

They are not the same thing.

Personally, I am more critical of the fact that it will be TW instead of returned to its original place in the scheme of things.

But I am still very happy that I will have the opportunity to do it.


And here I thought looking cool was a universal desire that defied the boundaries of “demographics.”

Silly me.


Yeah no deal friend.

Gonna keep requesting the appearances come back… Like I always have been.


Y’all shoulda skipped the customization changes and instead fixed the broken class and specs.

Doesn’t matter how pretty you make new skins, if the gameplay is trash, it’s still trash.


Shouldn’t all of this have been done during Legion and before these Allied Races were released to the players?

I feel like they want us to be excited for a unfinished product that took them 2 expansions later to complete, smh.


Not at all. This is simply an arbitrary difference set by blizzard, for no sensical reason whatsoever.

Yes it is. All of the different appearances for your armors and weapons are content. That’s why so many people love collecting them. something being content does not mean it cannot also be a reward. these are not mutually exclusive concepts.

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Void Elf hair colors need more work!


They told you no two times already

Do you think they’ll say yes the third time?


Well seeing as the garbage Legion ARs served just as expansion prepurchase hype… nah. They knew they could cut corners.

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This is all true. At the same time, I still think some of the new options (“Sideswept,” for example) are actually pretty amazing, and overall Nightborne in 9.1.5 will look about 500% better in every way than they did before. I do want to appreciate the work they have done, while also letting them know we still need a lot more.

I, for one, will be dusting off all the Nightborne alts I made over a year ago and never played, because now I can at least get the ladies to look like actual Nightborne–even if they will all be wearing the same (only) great hairstyle.


I think they didn’t give me the request so they’ll have to put up with me continuing to ask.



Honestly people with this mindset are better off leaving the game entirely. “MY WAY ONLY! FOCUS ON WHAT I WANT!” You don’t see most of the customization people wanting to delay gameplay stuff, and we actually are smart enough to realize it’s different teams too.

If you think only gameplay should be focused on, you’re pathetic. That’s the hill I’ll die on. The world doesn’t revolve around the content pushers, and in fact, their focus on only them is why the game is dying.


Hey boss, technically anything in the game is “content”. But truly, core content is the gameplay and system within the game. Cosmetics and customization are rewards for doing said content. It’s vanity. Vanity items & rewards.

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add tails to worgen


San’layn subrace for Void Elves.