Title as is. Healer duo.
Looking for a guild that’s looking to push CE this expansion while having a good time.
Have logs to provide
Title as is. Healer duo.
Looking for a guild that’s looking to push CE this expansion while having a good time.
Have logs to provide
Formerly [A] on Lightbringer, we are now on [H] on the Illidan Server. TC 11/12M was founded on May 2005 and have been a top guild from inception, obtaining most cutting edges. We are getting most of the core guild members back so you can expect a guild with seasoned leadership, a relaxed and fun raid environment full of skillful individuals.
We are currently raiding Tues & Weds 9:30-12:30am EST. We have an optional run on Sundays at the same time . This is usually reserved for Sales, Achievements, or Norm/Heroic Clears during Mythic Prog.
Currently Recruiting:
Demon Hunter
Even if we are not looking for your class we always accept any exceptional applicants. Feel free to review our logs and see if you can compete or do better as well as being a great culture fit.
If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to anyone in leadership
Officer Ghostyy BTag Ghosty#1481 Discord Ghosty#0330
Officer Llunai Btag Lunana#1345 Discord Luna#8650
GM Xellos BTag Xellos#1969 Discord Xellos#3150
Go to our WowProgress or forms.gle/o5QPELxet1d1GQWR6
Have a good weekend!
Ignores Mechanics is a 12/12M raiding guild [H] who is still currently reclearing and recruiting for Shadowlands. I’ve sent you a friend request on bnet, if you would like to reach out to me on discord it is Bsiedel#4362 would love to chat about the possibility of picking up a couple healers
Good luck in your search
Let me know if you have any questions! Good luck in your search
Smooth Brain is a new guild on Bleeding Hollow. The guild is compromised of returning top 100 US players who have played together for nearly a decade. We’d love to add some awesome new faces to this roster to progress in Shadowlands with us. Since forming in June we’ve focused on building a roster of experience and energetic people who will mesh well with the roster. With many of us having raided in higher end environments the target will be US 100-200 for our first tier together. As a result we’re taking our time with recruitment to meet these goals.
We’re not just a WoW raiding guild but a gaming community as well. Our members routinely play other games with each other in the discord and are very welcoming to new faces, but if you wish to stick exclusively to WoW that is okay as well!
Recruitment needs:
Melee DPS - Rogue, DH, Warrior
Ranged DPS - Warlock, Mage, Hunter, Balance Druid, Shadow Priest
Healers - Priest, ShamanWith the new expansion around the corner we are very flexible to what class you aim to play. We prefer to bring the player and not the class.
Raid Times:
Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday - 8:30-11:30 EST
Currently raiding casually on Tuesdays and Thursdays for heroic and first few mythic while we build out our roster.Apply at smoothbrain.info
If you have any questions or would like additional info please feel free to reach out to either
James (GM): James#1657 (Btag) ZunnyD#9491 (Discord)
Luke (Raid Lead): BHO#11601 (Btag) Luke#5204 (Discord)
horde or ally doesnt matter aslong as theres a good fit.
Weekday raiding times only
It me the druid