9.1 Tyrande cinematic

Oh absolutely. And that is their prerogative. I don’t kink shame! A lot…

That Material is something I have already seen and didn’t judge it adequate. Just as you watch Horde behaving like monsters and you don’t judge it adequate. You don’t see me coming to you with some references of existing content that demonstrate Horde is bad and evil or some other thing :slight_smile:

Sylvanas is like that Joffrey fellow. At some point the audience wants them to eat the pidgeon pie and choke on their evil. Thats why we got villains in stories, Its fun to see them fail.

It was. And I loved the shocked look on Sylvanas face. She realized she’s not being told everything :wolf:

There is actually a big difference between “instantly dying” and “charging into battle and fighting a bunch of people after you got hit with a bunch of arrows”

A displeased scream.
Another aspect of the night elves is not to be taken away.



There is a difference, its just that charging into battle after being hit with arrows in non-lethal spots and taking some time to recover and pump your adrenaline back up and also you’re a super strong fantasy creature is totally fine and complaining about it is the height of nitpicking.


Actually, if you scroll up you will see I have asked numerous times that this fight to look like the Hector v Achilles fight. :slight_smile:
This has been my stance since the very beginning. Scroll up to post 300ish and you should see it around there if I recall.

The “moment” of weakness is really the entire cinematic or the major theme of the cinematic, rather than a blink or you will miss it instance in an otherwise yet another “Sylvanas is da best evaa!” cinematic.


Let’s be completely honest here.

One of the biggest traits that Sylvanas has that makes her loudest detractors vocally annoyed is the sense that shows everything and looks smug the entire time about it.

Tyrande being smug and rubbing it in her face is two-fold amazing:

  1. It shows Sylvanas isn’t the 40d chess player everyone perceives her as.
  2. It shows Nathanos being smug in his final moments about what was going to happen after he died was completely unwarranted, and he’s likely terrified or in a horrible position right now.

He was hit in the chest, the super strong fantasy creature is also non magical, but that would also go both ways saying the sentinels there are not strong because their arrows were ineffective and don’t really know how to fight against orcs, all he has to do is catch his breath for a second after getting hit by these other fantasy creatures.

It’s one of main reasons I loved that cinematic so much. And your points are spot on btw :wolf:

He’s a 7 ft tall muscular orc wearing plate armor and your complaining about a wooden arrow hitting him in the chest….I’mma just let that sink in for a moment.

Erm… even IRL humans can shrug off stuff that should put them down for good.

Ask me how I know and I’ll tell you how I earned my CMB.


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I don’t know if you know but the chest has lots of stuff in it. It’s not just like, a big heart and some lungs and thatts it. Doubly so for being armored.

No it just means that generic bog standard Night Elf archers don’t have a 100% fatality rate and not all their shots kill people, because it’d be silly if they did.

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Wait you’re telling me the Night Elves can’t go super saiyain and anime level destroy everything in their path?

Time for another 400,000 complaint threads about why blizz hates night elves :wolf:


Human beings can be fatally shot in countless vital organs and the adrenaline will keep them moving and acting, without noticing they’re dying.

That isn’t the case with Saurfang, who again is an intergalactic space alien with demon blood derived from living rock elementals seeded with plant particles from mind-altering spores.

But it’s relevant to bring up.

He’s not in plate, you can see what he’s wearing and a lot of his chest is exposed, he has leather straps on with that singular shoulder. Also arrows are tipped with metal for penetrating, the wood part isn’t what will go in him.

Again it’s not even about killing.

Yes, he’s also only really covered on his shoulder.

Point of order. There was a lot of stupid surrounding the SoL, not least of which being the complete lack of Blight countermeasures.


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Guys, why aren’t all the horde heroes dying to mundane wounds from random alliance mooks?

We have to make everything realistic in the game where 8 foot tall musclebound bullmen wielding 100 pound maces and swords don’t just make chunky kool-ade out of everything they hit.


Don’t you know? Anduin was planning on talking to the blight into feeling bad and convince it to behave itself :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :wolf:


Fantasy armor = the less it covers, the more effective it is.
