9.1 Tyrande cinematic

Is this your final form where anything you disagree with is trolling?

There is no consequence of Tyrande’s attack on Sylvanas. No scars, no destruction of something intangible. Genn “ruined the future of the Forsaken.” Tyrande … what?

Not really, I just pointed out it wasn’t a good representation of them, if you would draw anything about the night elf portrayal from that cinematic it was that their arrows are not very effective.

Many people go bow hunting, hitting a humanoid in the chest as well is not something you can walk off either. It’s more unrealistic to think an arrow wound in the chest is just something you can catch your breath from, like it’s call of duty or something.

What did Tyrande take away from Sylvanas?
Her informing Nathanos is dead and Jailor is lying to her?

Interestingly enough, unless an arrow punctures a vital organ, it’s chances of being fatal are remarkably slim inherently, which is why bow hunters are trained to target those vital organs. Historically, most arrow wounds weren’t fatal as a result of impact, but rather as a result of later infection, which seems to be relatively non-issue in a world with healing magic.

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Tyrande killed the person Sylvanas cares about most and got to rub her nose in it. That’s something

A year ago. Okay. What happened now?

The Jailor hid him in his pocket somewhere.

I’m just saying, your notorious for attempting to derail threads. :wolf:

Ironic coming from the one who stated several times that people who enjoyed this cinematic are Sylvanas simps and want to have inappropriate relations with body pillows.

I mean, you’re free to be wrong.

I missed the part where I needed your approval to be in this thread.


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Genn destroying the lamp altered nothing but seeded a plot thread. Similar to Tyrande gloating about Nathanos, the cutscene is a vehicle for a narrative.

Genn ripped Nathanos to shreds and slashed Sylvanas across the face, just like how Tyrande struck Sylvanas across the battlefield and knocked her out of the sky into a choke-slam.

Neither have physical wounds because physical wounds aren’t necessary for the sake of narrative.

The only exception to that rule is the Sylvanas cut on her eye but she didn’t even have that in BfA, she only got it much later when Shadowlands updated her model.

The main issue with this is that Saurfang is a legendary armored 7 foot tall warrior with absurd inhuman muscle proportions and is a member of a species with canonically thick skin and bones.

An orc walking off a couple arrows that don’t strike anything important like the lungs or heart in the heat of adrenaline pumping battle is actually super normal by the standards of the Warcraft universe and nothing to get upset about. TBH I’m fairly certain a human could do it in some cases.

Like, there’s a million news articles of people getting shot 10 times and then just walking to a hospital or something, and again, they’re not even orcs.


did you notice the absolute fear in Sylvanas’s eyes as Tyrande was trying to rip her head off with her bear hands? Sylvanas doesn’t scare easily but Tyrande’s sheer power and her wrath was enough to scare even Sylvanas… did you not see how cool she was in that cinematic? she held her own, she did more than Saurfang and Bolvar could, is that not enough?

I can’t believe I’m stanning Tyrande harder right now as a Sylvanas fan than most Tyrande fans… that cinematic was one of the coolest moments in WoW history, it was a narrative callback to the Arthas and Illidan fight.

You mean the time I tried to have an honest conversation with Horde fans that how can we rebuild the Horde while also giving something to the Alliance resolution without hurting the Horde rebuilding. Because I viewed the whole situation really tricky and it could step on a lot of toes.

Yeah in hindsight I should have never engaged with that conversation.

I’m done with these people. I’m just going to stick with fighting for more worgen representation in game. :wolf:


Considering Turalyon’s text box in Stormwind, I’d assume that’s coming when we go back to Azeroth.

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What does he say? I’m in game in now, so I can go check. :wolf:

I don’t have it 1:1 so I’d recommend go checking yourself but iirc it’s about rebuilding the old Alliance human kingdoms.

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Lol I acknowledge their existence and their opinion. I don’t try like you to change their minds and suplant it with my own because I view mine as correct. The Sylvanas fanboys are pretty sad though. Even their favorite goth queen should have a moment of weakeness or its boring and thats fact. Characters that effortelessly win everything suck for a story and quickly get on people’s nerves.

My conversations with you lead me to a different conclusion. I did try previously to talk to you honestly but you weren’t interested and you still don’t seem to be interested. Oh well.

Then troll away young sir! troll away! be free! the sky is your limit!

What moment was the fear? In the moment of suffocation, I saw only anger.