[9.1 Spoilers] Thank you, Blizzard

Which is why I think it would’ve been better for SOME Wild Gods to actually be FROM the Shadowlands

Aka Life Wild Gods (Cenarius, Rezan) go to the Dream but Death Wild Gods (Goldrinn, Shadra) go to the Shadowlands, and both are tied to their respective realm.

I’m not even mad they don’t care anymore. I don’t want this team touching the Forsaken.

It’s asinine they made the Banshee Queen a major plot point and had a whole zone exploring the very origin of necromancy and undeath itself without so much as having a Forsaken character on hand to witness any of this.

But I don’t want to know what it would look like if they did at this point. I’m content with the Forsaken’s namesake being more appropriate than ever right now because attention from this story team is the last thing I want for them.

I think that’s about the bottom line for why I was done with this before any of the IRL misery leaked out. I can’t even be cautiously optimistic anymore. If they said they were doing a Forsaken book my reaction would be less an excited child wondering what present is under the Christmas tree, and more a man getting a call from the morgue to come identify a body after my wife had been missing for months.


How can they be 100% correct when being 100% correct about An’she depends on them also being correct about Mu’sha, but you just said that Logòsh is related to Elune, whom they are wrong about?


the tauren are the only people we know, that said that Lo’Sho is Mu’Shas Sister, the night elf think, that Lo’Sho( The Winterqueen) is elunes Daughter…so tell me…how could the night elves be even considered as…right in their beliefing?

You keep repeating this in multiple threads when it’s 100% speculation and has not been confirmed or stated in-game at all.

What has been confirmed in-game

  • Elune is named Elune, not Mu’sha or Lun’al
  • Elune loves Night Elves the most
  • Elune is the Winter Queen’s sister

What has not been confirmed in-game

  • Winter Queen’s name is Lo’sho
  • An’she exists
  • They are all children of the Earth Mother (named such)

And here we are once again, with the stupid names, just because the Tauren have _ THE Wrong NAME _ , it still does not mean that their religion is wrong.

And I don’t think we’ll ever get confirmation about Winter Queen=Lo’sho as a name, but it’s strange that just as the sister story was being publicized, a Tauren legend came out about just such a circumstance, coincidence?

It does in a fantasy setting when we are told for decades these two races worship the same goddess and it turns out only one of them is “favored” and has the right name.

There is nothing indicating in-game the Winter Queen is Lo’sho.

It is 100% speculation.


Sarcasm elune likes them more, because atleast they speak her name correctly. …

We can play this game for hundreds of hours, it does not change the fact that it is not a coincidence, but when a company writes this story and brings legends around it into play…it is no longer a coincidence but serves a purpose.

And is speculation until it is stated in-game or a dev.

Lo’sho is not the Winter Queen until confirmed as such.

An external power that we can deal with, but she can’t. Suggesting that we, collectively, have more power(or at least, more freedom to exercise our power) than she does.

Which suggests that when half of “we” shows up to burn down a city, there’s probably not a lot Elune can do to stop us either.

we can deal with the drought who weakened even Denathrius because he was weakened aswell, the Eo´s are bound to their realms in the shadowlands and share their fate, so if revendreth is weak because of a drouth, then the sire is weak aswell, and on top of this, he…splitt his power further away in 6 amulets and in his 6 harvesters.

before this harvestersystem, the drought, he was powerfull enough to create the dreadlords and venthyr…and revendreth, this says alot about his power.

And Elune is probably bound to her moon. Or moons in general. I doubt she can teleport down and punch orcs.

I am not sure the devs understand what those words mean. Like, Elune is barely Elune and does not fit what was known, unless a part of the lore is ignored. Night elves are obviously not the night elves as compared to their original vision. “Love” in the vision of whoever wrote it seems to be a suffocating need to force your vision / decisions on others.


I am not surprised though. Like, recently I spent a little bit of time looking for what other things Golden wrote. For example, that “nice” book. Summary:

Kenobi does not act like Kenobi. Dark side users are considered victims. Logic is out, because who needs it (“only dark side user can kill Duku…”). All crimes of a female “dark side character” are forgiven, because why not.

All we need now is Sylvanas sacrificing for Anduin, and we’ll get full set.

Some time ago I saw a mention of the tweet from C. Golden (can’t post, her twitter is not visible to me) that “reddit thinks she writes WoW”. I mean, it’s funny to joke about it with people who are willing to joke about it, but I do see the themes from her actual books all over the current narrative. There is obviously more and from other people, but there is a reason why Shadowlands got to the point of being called “narrative disaster” even before the recent turmoil.

gl hf


I’m glad you’re enjoying story. I’m also enjoying the story for the most part, its a million percent better than BfA, a story in which I totally enjoyed also.