[9.1 Spoilers] Thank you, Blizzard

It’s rare that I actually issue a sincere “thanks” to Blizzard, but credit where due. After a year, or more, of doomsaying, I’m glad that I was wrong.

For months, whenever Elune was discussed, I was… Apprehensive to say the least. As soon as Shadowlands “revealed” that there were other races that worshiped Elune, I had feared that the Kaldorei might become insignificant to her. After all, what is one race in the whole universe? Having played a night elf, I cared a lot more about them than I did Elune, and I didn’t want to lose that chunk of our culture.

However, to hear Elune refer to the kaldorei as her favored children was a relief.

I have become jaded with the recent quality of storytelling and expected the worst out of everything. I’m not really trying to make a point, other than to say I was, in this case, wrong, and happy that I was. There are still big issues with the lore, narrative, and the treatment of all races except humans, but… I feel like I give them crap for everything they do wrong, and I only feel it right to be appreciative of something done right. This was a nugget of gold, so thank you.


Okay well congratz at getting your wish at the expense of the Tauren, Trolls, and allegedly/theoretically the Orcs and Kul Tirans too with zero parallel being for the sake of narrative equity.


Thank you… for what?

If I reduce my complaints only to Elune, we still have many many problems with this cinematic.

  • Elune is an eternal one in the pantheon of life, not a goddess
  • Elune wanted to use her children as soul fuel for her sister, yet didn’t do the proper research and instead condemned her “favored children” to the maw instead where they were tortured and obliterated
  • Elune gives Tyrande 2 options that aren’t mutually exclusive, she also considers justice as vengeance and she denied Tyrande her justice against Sylvanas, meaning that Elune actually protects the abusers of the Night Elves and forces Tyrande to choose “renewal” which also doesn’t make sense considering that the Night Elves were obliterated in the maw and their zones are either destroyed or in Horde hands
  • When Elune found out about what she did to her children, her reaction was “Oh well, guess I condemned them” instead of trying to fix the situation in any way, leaving the souls to their fate in the maw

I really can’t understand how Elune calling the Night Elves her “favored children” makes up for all of the above, especially with Elune’s actions suggesting the opposite.


Äh, do you really want a “deity” like elune after you heard firsthand that she…decided to rescue her sister instead of …her children? i mean, elune right now…seems not as benevolent as we thought she would be and make her even…a failure again…this entire patch was…to show that elune have limits…we can´t trust gods and…we are in the end on our own…it was a “sylvanas have a point” patch but is not right either with the deeds she had done.

It’s not that Elune isn’t benevolent. She’s just limited in scope. I think that sort of thing was always bound to happen, given the nature of the game requiring the players to do the heavy lifting when it comes to dealing with bosses.


I want, have always wanted, and will always want narrative equity.

For all the claims that Ardenweald wasn’t a Night Elf zone or that Elune holds Night Elves and others equally, both fell flat on their face.

A balance to Ardenweald being Nelf-centric, with pan-race relevant lore reveals, would’ve been more Bwonsamdi questlines or Forsaken development in Maldraxxus.

A balance to Elune preferring Night Elves over any other race, including both Azerothian races that worship her under the wrong name and Non-Azeroth races that worship her as Elune, would’ve been revealing a solar being that prefers Orcs or Tauren or Trolls over any other race.


if a powerfull being on a titan lvl…said to you…“I condemed my favorite children”…do you really think that teldrassil was…out of scale, i´m pretty sure they don´t wanted to say that elune could have NOT intervened, if she really wished.

Aha…yeah…i mean…you got last addon a massive hordefocus…and night elf got …what? Almost nothing…one patch with an warfront and an questline.

Compare this to the hordefocus of the entire campaign, it is not…narrative equitiy if the night elfs now get more focus as the other races?

Horde focus of the entire Ardenweald campaign?

Are you kidding me?


She also said “in the wake of tragedy” so she obviously disapproved of it. I don’t think that’s a mark against her being goodness, just her reach. I remember laughing at the scene because it made me think “whoopsie!” but I never got the impression that Elune was uncaring over it.

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Of the entire bfa campaign…are you kidding me?

If you want…narrative equality…then…the horde is right now…far far above the night elves…after bfa, cata…and mop :wink:


If she ´s a titanlike being…why should she not be able to stop this in the first place… i mean, you have seen sargeras before the tyn world azeroth.

You dare bring something other than misery and sadness to these forums?! BLASPHEMY!

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lmao you’re out of your mind dude.

the entire BFA campaign was centered on Anduin’s angst and Jaina’s parental issues

Talanji got zero development after 8.1 and the Zandalari recruitment


I´m not.

If you´re “Scale of Equality” is only screentime then…everything was around the horde, the entire bfa campaign was a “Horde-soul-searching-campaign”

And don´t make me laugh

80% of this entire campaign centered around the horde. To say that bfa had a massive Alliancefocus is a lie^^


it isn’t actually, which I’ve never stated at all at any point anywhere

I have always, will always, and do criticize narrative equity

ie how the races/factions relate to the larger cosmology and overarching storyline

BfA was a Horde expansion…

Just look at how the most popular Alliance race was completely destroyed, eradicated and ended as a nation and people just so that Horde characters can get more development and that the Horde can get victories, new territory etc…

If you’re unsure, you’re also free to rewatch the Sadfang Saga to remember what BfA was about…
And now Shadowlands is all about Sylvanas and justifying genocide because it was commited by the Horde. The Night Elves have been even more destroyed in Shadowlands because all that was left of them after BfA were their souls… in the maw. And they are now destroyed, and you consider this positive screentime?!


I am in favor of diversity, but still somewhere “Equal”

I compare here with Warhammer. Warhammer Fantasy, it has very many races and each race was …despite extreme differences…other gods and everything that goes with it…equally important or unimportant :wink:

People should really stop with this grass being greener on the other side of the hill crap because the last time I remember good story content for the Horde would have been Warcraft 3.

Her limits, I guess? I dunno. Since you brought him up, the other titans couldn’t stop Sargeras the first time around either. WoW’s gods are clearly not omnipotent.

Either she wanted to intervene and couldn’t do enough, or was able to intervene and refused to. To me, the cutscene made it clear that it was the former.


Stopping Teldrassil from Happening=/=Omnipotent…i mean…wtf, thats clearly a strange argument.