[9.1 Spoilers] Thank you, Blizzard

It depends on which you think is worse, from a character POV—putting your faith in a real but non-ideal deity or having your faith proven to be objectively incorrect.


I get this, but at the same time mysterious, powerful entities almost definitionally don’t enter into the plot. If they did, then something we don’t and won’t understand drives the plot–which I don’t care for.

The longer a mystery stays in the background, the less I tend to care about it.

So first of all: The Tauren are already 50% correct, Elune exists, thus…Mu’Sha exists, no lie.

And An’She will probably also be 80% correct and not a lie, so that’s off the table.

And it’s not about Elune being “non ideal”, it’s about how it’s dealt with, I mean, Elune said litterally

“All my children were damned in the Maw because I’m not responsible enough to watch where they will end”.

that sucks terrible.

and if elune could prevent teldrassil from happening, that even much worse.

Elune exists, but their legends and theology about her (i.e., their faith) are shown to be wrong. Also, she doesn’t love them as much as night elves. Doesn’t seem like a great position, to me.

Note: I said it’s up to each person to decide which option is worse, and I still do. It’s going to depend on the individual player as to which one bothers them more.

What do you base that statement on?

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…Elune have a sister, Logòsh(WQ), this was only a tauren legends who spoke about it, the night elves thought it would be her child, not sister.

So it’ll be another case of “the being exists, but all their lore is objectively incorrect”?

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no other race - expect!! maybe bloodelves - beliefe in a sungod like An’she (and if bloodelves, then his name would be belore)

maybe they are this time 100% correct, and the earthmother will be the first one of life…most likely…so in the end, the tauren are the favored children of the earthmother (thats even their belief, they are the children of the earthmother, the mother of elune, An’She and Logosh)

Which is an upgrade. Since the only “gods” we’ve met in Warcraft are Old Gods, and those are actually lower on the totem pole than Eternal Ones.

Presumes saving her children was even within her power.

Well, let’s see. How often has Khaz’goroth personally shown up when a dwarven city gets attacked?

How many times does it have to be explained that Eternal Ones can’t just snap their fingers and make whatever they want happen?

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ähh…he was for the last thousand years …only a soul, nothing more. so…not really fair.

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Alright, fair point.

But we can draw a much more direct comparison to Elune’s own sister, the Winter Queen, who can’t even save her own realm without our help.

But not because she herself was incapable, but because an external power intervened, and we do not know whether Elune could not have done something.

Lo’gosh is the wolf wild god where the worgen curse came from, so it’s more their thing now. Are you confusing him with another being?

I thought in the other story…the second child of the earthmother was called…logosh aswell?

ah, it was lo’sho^^

Reminder Musha isn’t the real name.

We’ve had some Anshe foreshadowing but zero evidence of his existing materially in the canon

Goldrinn is his real name. Not logosh.

Wasn’t Varian called Lo’gosh at one point or was i hallucinating that. He’s the wolf right? That’s why Varian was called the wolf.

Blizzard needs to come up with more unique names in the future.

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Yes Varian was the chosen avatar of Goldrinn using the name used by the Tauren they taught to the Orcs that isn’t his real name.

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Lo’gosh does have moon related symbolism and well as a death connection. He’s not only personally responsible for the forbidden pack form, and the Worgen curse, but his fang was used for the Scythe of Elune.

I hope they expand on this lore.

Relatedly I expected

  1. Worgen are magically tied to Ardenweald because of their Wild God curse
  2. This would catapult Mia to reconsider her rejection of the Worgen curse because her people are Worgen
  3. Maybe Retcon Worgen as genetically inheritable, but activated via idk, if you ever kill someone
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Ohgod, I would LOVE to see – it’s An’she, yes? The Tauren sun…god…dess? I don’t actually know and that’s part of the problem. I would LOVE to see their religion and its connections to kaldorei beliefs and the disconnects, the ways they’re different, maybe Mu’sha isn’t even Elune at all? – explored.

Same for Troll Loa and Kaldorei Wild Gods. A lot of them are the same, aren’t they?

Do we even know who or what Orcs worship?

And most other races…worship the Light, I guess?

Ugh, yes, I’m a sucker for well-designed game religion…

…wait, maybe I don’t want Blizzard getting into this…


There’s also Light killing aspects too since the Scythe of Elune was sucking the life out of Brightwood turning it into Duskwood.

Seriously, Duskwood lore is under-rated.

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