[9.1 Spoilers] Thank you, Blizzard

Well, then she was not potent enough in that moment, whatever her DBZ power level happens to be.

i still think, this entireplotpoint will be later used to somehow…excuse sylvanas deeds a bit. I mean, in the end, she´s …in a strange way right…the gods decide was will happened to us …and we are only playballs for their cruel game.

i think the second part is right, she was strong enough to intervene but refused to do it. Her single tear was strong enough to heal…the entire ardenwaeld and create a new sigil …a single tear…this is enough power to heal an tree, smaller then ardenwaeld, don´t you think?

Oh, I don’t doubt it at this point. I think I started having a suspicion as soon as Uther’s cinematic dropped, although I wasn’t certain if they were going to go through with it or hardening her stance to a “no forgiveness for me, no point in stopping now.” But I’m so burned out on the main plot that I find it hard to care about it anymore.

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Which uther cinema? i mean, we have right now…three ?XD

Sorry. I meant the Afterlives trailer where you first see his soul split in his death flashback with Arthas, and the focus on his soul being damaged.

Oh no!! A whole faction had more focus than a single race. How unfair…

Still better than having your deity not caring about you ( so would still let you die) or even having your deity not even existing… I am pretty sure that Tauren fan would get happy to at lest know that An’she exist and care about them even if he doesn’t help them, would still be better than nothing.

Keep in mind - prior to Teldrassil burning, Tyrande had not performed the Night Warrior ceremony. It appears Elune was able to shed the tear through Tyrande - and Tyrande says the tear is both of theirs. And this happens because Tyrande chose renewal.

It isn’t like Elune could just shoot a big ol tear across the cosmos in a deluge over Teldrassil, and smother the fire. Horde Shaman were there, coaxing the blazes, and the payloads were enchanted.


Thanks blizzard for making the Star wars sequels look like a good nay great nay FANTASTIC narrative arc in comparison.

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Why not? i mean, srsly, yes, its sound a little bit stupid but tell me…why not? What should stop her from doing so? Her Domain, the emerald dream is there, she was present during the burning, and if elune would have wanted to intervene, i´m pretty sure no mortal shaman could do anything against her.

Ah Lenastus…the whiny horde-fan is back. I don´t started the argumentation of “equal focus” , as you can see the argument was between baal and me, and he demanded more focus (after an whole addon with horde in focus, especially trolls), i only remembered him about this fact…that the horde had a whole story focus last addon…during the entire addon, and especially trolls.

I can not say for certain, other than Dev fiat. I can only guess from what is shown.

The Tears of Elune seem to be Elune crying actual tears through an avatar. Well, at least in this case. We don’t know the exact origin of the Tear of Elune that is part of the Relics of the Pantheon.

It almost feels like she has a hard time transcending “realms” without some sort of conduit or avatar. She can help the dying Night Elves feel no pain, after Astarii prays to her, and the Night Elves fall into a peaceful sleep. But Elune didn’t have an avatar or Night Warrior there to wield her wrath or produce a tear, until after Teldrassil burned.

Kind of funny coming from the people who whined about night elf 20x time a day for years now.

I mean yes the horde did have many focus the last expansion but you clearly try to avoid mentioning that the alliance also had many focus that expansion and was far from left out of everything. Yes the horde had a bit more but the alliance was far from non-existent.

I am also pretty sure at this point that you know very well that Baal problem about our lack of content in SL isn’t the lack of content itself but the lack of content in a expansion so link to many horde thematic. Ardenweal is kind of the nail in the coffin as it basically take a horde race really important afterlife and just make it a side problem in a really night elf focused afterlife zone…

But weirdly enough, every of the few time me, Baal or a few other bring that up, we get attacked by night elf player about it as only night elf complain was allowed here.

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  • I don’t see how elune being a first one of the pantheon of life is an issue. Why must she be so prominent over other deity like figures in wow?

  • Elune serves the cycle as well, she has a duty to fulfill. We can speculate a lot about this but the sticking point being that elune is not omniscient and trusted in a system that worked for eons is actually a good thing because perfect beings are boring and lame.

  • The vengeance or renewal bit requires a bit fleshing out. I can understand it is unsatisfying, especially for night elf fans but it’s not inherently invalid. The breaking the cycle of vengeance is a typical plot element you see in fantasy and it’s been done ad nauseam in this one is my main complaint. We’ve been breaking the cycle since MoP.

  • Her reaction was such distress that her sister (WQ) didn’t want to skewer anymore and in fact consoled her with the promise of fixing things. A goddess such as her wouldn’t look right falling to the floor in the fetal position and crying like a baby over her mistake. She made a mistake, owned up to it with her show of despair. The fact that she seemingly passed the puck of responsibility to Tyrande is what bothers me personally.

There are serious narrative flaws but I think a lot of people are being extremely unfair and critical of things they really shouldn’t be. I don’t know, I follow the lore closely but I stopped expecting Tolkien or Shakespeare from blizzard post MoP.


What my criticism of it is that I’ve never seen baal speak against it (If the alliance is …short in focus and screentime and…narrative importance), ever, only now it’s suddenly bothering him again.

Honestly, if the alliance had no focus at all, really none, he would say nothing, I am very convinced of that :wink:

It’s just hypocritical, the argument and only that was my point just now.

my own position on this topic i wrote here:

The way I see it, the damage avoided for the night elves is greater than the damage done to those races.

Considering they already established that she let them burn- this is clearly just a damage control line. Besides, I’m pretty sure the other races do not worship her to the same extent that night elves do.

I don’t see how this is any different from the loa or wild gods or Naaru favouring certain races. Perhaps only in the case of the Lunalai who are actively worshiping her. But they are such a small group anyway, and they clearly have her favor anyway, considering they have moonkin forms. After all, having a favored race doesn’t mean you can’t favor other worshippers like the Lun’alai.

As for the tauren or the orcs, they do not actively worship her.


I don’t understand the concern? That Tauren, Trolls, Orcs(??), and Kul Tirans(???) aren’t her “favored” children. Show me where Tauren, Troll, Orc, and Kul Tiran worship of Elune even approximates the magnitude of Kaldorei worship:

  • They built temples to Elune
  • They named cities after Elune
  • Their government is a Theocracy of Elune
  • They greet each other with Elune’s Name
  • They believe they are the creation of Elune
  • Their official crest is centered around a symbol of Elune
  • They create “Moonwells” as their source of power
  • Elune is the primary diety of their pantheon, so much so that she’s the mother of their second most important diety (Cenarius).

Tauren? Worship her as one third of a greater entity. Which isn’t anything to scoff at, sure.
Trolls? One sect of Zandalari outcasts worship her.
Orcs? Draenor uh… Had a moon?
Kul Tirans? There were some reused models in Kul Tiras?

Like, I get it. Blizzard has treated these other races dirty. In the expansion about death, they didn’t acknowledge the ancestor-worshiping, shamanistic peoples. They haven’t so much as winked at validating the Earthmother or An’she as valid entities. I get that, and I nodded to that in the post. Like, those are good fights to fight.

But, “Elune doesn’t love them as much” is a uh… It’s a stretch to say the least, because they don’t love Elune as much.

“Goddess” was always really vague, and basically always amounted to, “powerful, but dissimilar to other powerful creatures”.

This is a common misconception. I get it. I had that fear when I first watched the cinematic, and it took me a time or two to fully understand, but… Here’s what happened:

Elune couldn’t stop Teldrassil, that’s not in her power. She sent her children to Ardenweald to help save wild gods from eternal death. The souls can help her just by passively being there, as we see in the Ardenweald leveling campaign. The souls there are perfectly content shepherding nature, they’re not being ground into mulch or fed into a furnace. The cinematic was when Elune learned about the souls being sent to the Maw. Up until that very moment, she thought they’d been in Ardenweald. She couldn’t have done anything because she didn’t know about the problem until after it was largely resolved.

I get that it wasn’t presented super clearly, but that’s the bigger issue than what actually happened.


I don’t think the complaint is actually that Elune doesn’t love everyone as much as night elves, because that was already obvious. Baal said “parallel being” to imply getting some kind of focus on a deity-like figure such as An’she for the horde’s respective nature-loving race (and secondaries via proxy) to have something to care about.

I think the worry is that whenever WoW rolls around to Lifelands-related content, it’s going to feel incredibly one-sided as everyone will remain up to their ears hearing about Elune, while having little to no build-up for the other faction to care.


Are people just now realizing that having cosmology propel the narrative is ultimately going to lead to even gods feeling mundane?


That makes sense, for sure, and I don’t disagree with the need for better Horde representation, both on a cosmological and character scale.

However, the Kaldorei being Elune’s favored children is not mutually exclusive with there being a parallel entity for other races, which is implied by Baal’s saying, “at the expense of”. I thought he was comparing Elune’s ranking of Azeroth’s peoples. Like, I thought the point Baal was making was the tauren/trolls/orcs/KTs necessarily can’t be loved equally to Kaldorei by Elune if Elune loves the Kaldorei most.

It sucks there isn’t a parallel for those other races, but the lack of that parallel doesn’t come “at the expose of” Elune favoring the Kaldorei as she always has.

EDIT: Fixed wording, per this post.

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Just now realizing? Its what many have been saying ever since this expansion was announced.
Now gods are incompetent schmucks. But hey at least youtube commentators can make theory videos about it. Thats all the lore is good for anymore. 30 minute videos explaining 3 minute cinematic because the story has become so complicated with need someone to make it their full time job trying to explain it.

Nicely put.

Like seriously, no offense to Nelfs fans, but I personally have Nelf fatigue now. They are the only race that have any stakes in the SL story, even if the story treats them bad.
It feels like if you don’t like Nelfs, there’s very little for you in the whole WoW mythology.